Part 2 here we go!
75. Resident Evil 0 (Capcom gamecube)
74. RockBand 2 (MTV games Xbox360/PS3/PS2/wii)
73. Fable 2 (MGS Xbox360)
72. Quake III Arena (idSoftware PC)
71. Star Wars Rogue Squadron (LucasArts Nintendo 64)
70. Pokemon Fire Red (Nintendo Gameboy Advance)
69. The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion (2k games Xbox360/PS3/PC)
68. Limbo (PlayDead Xbox360/PS3/PC)
67. FarCry Instincts (ubisoft xbox)
66. The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo NES)
65. Jet Force Gemini (Rare Nintendo 64)
64. Left 4 Dead 2 (Valve Xbox360/PC)
63. Medal of Honor Frontline (EA Xbox/PS2/Gamecube)
62. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo Wii)
61. Resident Evil (Capcom Gamecube)
60. Dragon Age Origins (EA Xbox360/PS3/PC)
59. Bioshock 2 (2k Xbox/PS3/PC)
58. Mario Kart 64 (Nintendo Nintendo64)
57. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (Rockstar PC/PS2/Xbox)
56. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (Activision Xbox360/PS3/PC/Wii)
55. Mario Galaxy (Nintendo Wii)
54. Battlefield Bad Company (EA Xbox360/PS3)
53. The Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past (Nintendo SNES)
52. F-Zero X (Nintendo Nintendo 64)
51. Halo 3 (MGS Xbox360)