Holas amigos, how are you doing? is everything ok with you? last week I made the 1st anniversary entry and it proved quite unpopular, so I guess I will keep that stuff to myself hehe, so recently I got this card with 4,500 Microsoft Points and I was like ehmm ok, now I need to spend them but I was unsure what to do with them, first of all I got the Arcade classic Banjo-Tooie, I'm sorry I grew up playing Banjo, and as someone said memories are living again, so I downloaded the overpriced Banjo Tooie (come on 1,200 MS for a 9 year old game?) but then again I payed them right? and then I was like now what? I have all the arcade game I want (Banjo Kazooie, Tooie and Street Fighter II Turbo HD remix) so I guess I'll check on some DLC....
What the hell happened to Barney?
First of all I watched my game library and selected a couple that had DLC first of all I always wanted to pick the DLC for Mass Effect (because its my favorite game on the 360) so I proceeded and downloaded it, the first take on the DLC is...if I knew what it contained maybe I wouldnt have downloaded it another barren planet...ehrrr...asteroid with 4 bases and thats all, oh yeah and the final part to the spectre master gear (Colossus X armor) and a new species, the batharians who are humans with just another face skin I was pretty disspointed I was expecting the promised "ever expanding universe" but then I guess that for 400 MS I couldn't ask for much.
keep laughing ugly spider-dog-man
Then I proceeded with Fallout 3 I wasnt convinced by the original ending so I sownloaded the Broken Steel DLC which if Im not mistaken continues the story, I havent played the DLC but I had my first experience with a DLC enemy the Super Mutant Overlord it is tough as nails that mofo, now Im deciding what to get as I have some more options in my mind but Im unsure, there is more DLC for Fallout 3 (Op. Anchorage, The Pitt and Point overlook or somethign like that) Fable II (Knothole Island, See The Future) Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts (Missing L.O.G. challenges)and the typical map pack but Im not too fan of getting those.
Low budget? dont worry you can hire the berserkers of Gears of War!
So here is my take on DLC sometimes it is a good idea to expand you universe just like Oblivion did and Fallout 3, which are huge games and some people have their supercharacters and they want things to do, I had my character level 20 in my first Fallout 3 playthrough but now I know I can hit level 30 which is fine for me, same with Oblivion I had nothing else to do in the game in the form of important quests so I barely played the game. But since I got the Knights of the nine and Shivering Isles (both included in the GotY Edition) I started playing Oblivion again.Also a DLC that proved quite popular was the Lost and Damned for GTA IV as an expansion is ok because its a totally new story and has some new feats for the game, and finally the DLC for rythm games is a great idea that way you can get the songs that interest you the most instead of giving your money for a new game.
I like the Lost and Damned but come on the thing are the Hell's Satans (if you knw this reference then you know of good stuff)
Of course as everything DLC has its other side of the coin like the infamous Resident Evil 5 Versus mode which many people claim was already on the game and the just had to download a code to open it, or the 2nd costumes for Street Fightr IV which was available the day the game was released (couldnt they make it free or include as many outfits as possible?) now...my favorite case of wrong use of DLC, Prince of Persia as I said before Prince of Persia is an entertaining game and all but around 8 hours you finish the game with more than half of the light seeds, and the ending of the game was like Oh god what will happen in the next game, then a pair of months later a DLC was released with the true ending of the game...so I payed $80 just to play the unfinished game? thanks Ubisoft I will think twice before I buy another Prince of Persia. and last but not least I used to love Halo 3 I could play it for hours but then Bungie broke my heart, when the Heoirc map pack appeared I wasnt able to play my favorite gamelist which end in me not playing Halo 3, then appeared the Legendary map pack and heroic was free once again I was able to play Halo 3, but in the end again all my favorite gamelist was for legendary map pack users and then came mythic...and in the end I wasnt able t pick up Halo again. Why I dont get the map packs? no! Im not hapy with the way they force you to pay for them. I'd rather sta with my free DLC for both Rainbow Six Vegas games or Bad Company!
you cant stop the arabic Jedi!
So this is it I guess it was a long entry