A Gaming Blog, the new adventures of Mr. Sandman
hey readers I am here once again, writing this new entry, lately I have acquired some new games, and well Im going to comment on them as always, bacause I cant think of an interesting topic.
Soul Calibur IV; I really liked Soul Calibur II on the gamecube, because of the tight controls and gameplay, for this entry I was expecting something like that and it delivered, its a very well done game, with good graphics and great animation, sound effects are cool, and the voices are mostly well done, but where the game lacks for me at least is in depth, I liked ths story mode put in Soul Calibur II where you traveled provinces with stupid stories but they were like missions, here it is the tower of souls just floor after floor of challenges that unlock pieces of clothing for your custom characters, also it is great the online gaming as it is almost lag free and 1 on 1 fighting works fine, oh and I dont like the guest characters of star wars they feel out of place
Dead Space I've just started this one but Im liking it a lot, I cant seat for long times because I get tense, but the time I have to play it I really enjoy it, the graphics are great, and sound effect and voice acting is even better, the monsters I've seen are very well done, and the fear factor is good, it makes you feel alone and vulnerable even if you are armed with a linear gun (hell yeah), and the sorroundings are creepy as hell, the only thing I didnt like that much is backtracking, all the routes I have seen I have to clear them twice, aside from that is a great game
Mirror's Edge; another EA game, I love platformers and Mirror's Edge is no exception the game keeps it simple with a button you do all the go up or jump stuff and with the other all the grawling and sliding, the presentation of the game is awesome the graphic and ultra vibrant color really works to get your attention and makes everything easier on the eyes the game is about being fast, and use the best way posible to achieve your goal, and it makes you feel ultra skillful when you chain a decent amount of moves, the two weak things here are, the campaign is too short, and the comabt, hand tu hand is just and firefights are bad, plain and simple I am trying to beat all the time trials but you need tons of skill.
Battlefield Bad Company; just got this one yesterday, another EA game and also made by dice, how curious its pretty entertaining I have yet to play some more.
By the way I just finished Dark Sector and the game was an overall goo experience, it has lots of strong and weak points and the campaign has the exact amount oflenght I like hehe, I am also playing the Saints Row 2 campaign and it keeps very interesting