doubalfa / Member

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A Gaming Blog, the new and the Borrowed

This week I've got two new games, I just traded Prince of Persia and with the money I got two games, the first was fracture a shooter made by lucas arts, its main theme its the entrencher and the terrain deformation...uh what? yeah you know you shoot this weapon and you make hills or thenches on the battlefield, the game is kind of entertaining in short bits but the story and the characters are forgetable, it has good weapons like the black Widow wich shoots a remote mine, I think I wont be keeping this game for long, only until I've finished it, the other game I got is the Bourne Conspiracy, it is kind of flashy but it feels clunky, the gunplay is a B-, but the fighting is good, you do this 3 hit combo mixing strong and fast attacks, until you fill your adrenaline meter, then you are able to do a really flashy takedown, wich is the star of this game, the game takes place in the first movie of the bourne trilogy, and it explores some of Bourne's past expanding the movie, i recommend this game as a rental, as it wont last you long, so yeah I think as soon as I am done with this one is going to be traded, and you are thinking why would you get those games if you are trading them? well I was actually thinking of getting Battlefield Bad Company, or put some money and buy Call of Duty World at War, but I just couldn't find them anywhere, so I just got those two.And this is it about the New now lets get to the borrowed.

As commented on past entries I dont have most of my games at home, I lend them to friends and all, and Im having this issue because I cant play a single **** multiplayer!!!!, you know I had this urge yesterday to play some matches on anything (I would even play Gears of War) but I dont have any games with me,so I have this gold suscription and the only games I have here that have multiplayer are: Dark Sector, Fracture and Fifa 09, and guess what there isnt a single soul in both Dark Sector and Fracture, and Im not too much into Fifa online, so Im pinned, yeah you could say "ask your friends for you games" but I dont see them often as they live in the other side of the city, and I live in the biggest city in the world, so is a 3 hours journey from one side to the other....Rainbow Six Vegas 1 or 2, Gears of War 1 or 2, Halo 3, Lost Planet, Perfect Dark Zero, Team Fortress 2, Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts, GRAW 2, Call of Duty 4....where are you guys!!!!!! return to me I swear I wil play you all night!!!

So as soon as I finish Fracture and Bourne Conspiracy I will wait, trade them and get Call of Duty World at War or B: Bad Company, you know for some Multiplayer needs