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A gaming blog, under pressure.

Ever felt like you got to rudh through certain areas in games to get to the goal? or to save that civilian? have you ever played dead rising? what about Grand Theft Auto IV? well do you lay games regularly?

If so...then you've been under pressure by your hobby, the one thing a game can do for me to despise it is pressuring me in doing tasks, how do they pressure me? it was back in 1997 I got Goldeneye the game was entertaining and all, but I reached this point where the Mission Objective had the text "Protect Natalya" ok protect her right kill everyone who gets close to her, thing is the AI is so dumb it can't duck or take any form of cover do there I was rushin t enemy positions no strategy involved just so the enemy does't shoot my useless friend, for me they could kill natalya all they wanted but, if so I couldn't move on the story which made me rave to the game, but this is just the cherry in the pie.

and all that trouble for some blocky gal

I can protect thins not my favorite but i can do it every once in a while, but when the game forces me to do this repeatedly I simply quit I lay t ave fn to relax a bit not to be put under unnecesary stress, rememeber tht game [Prototype] the game was...ok but the protect vehicles mission made me to totally stop playing it, it was boring, difficult and the AI I tried to hard to protect seems to wanted me to fail.

I wanted to destroy tis tank so many times

yeah [Prototype] was just ok, but back in 2008 I got GTA IV on release day (being a huge fan of San Andreas) the game started fun and all but I reached this point...where I was in the middle of a mission and suddenly a phone call...Little Jacob wanted to have a the middle of a mission he couldn't wait, if I said "no" our friendship/trust bar would be reduced. or if I didn't make it on time the same, so I had to get of the mission (which if you played GTA IV know is somewhat annoying) so I was between, ok get back to Jacob fail my mission and drive and lose all progress I had at the time, or I do my mission and screw our "relation", the game shouldn't put me through this it was beyond annoying, I don't mind mission options like if you g to A this guy gets killed, and if you g to B you got the money still you progress the story (whic is a videogame typical choice) but here is...restart the wole mission or lose friendship points (which also were kind of troublesome and boring t get), so I didn't had the will or enthusiasm to advance further in GTA IV.

Jacob a grown up man wo can't take a see you later without getting angry at you

But the true champion of this the one whom I dedicated thisblog to is (well I was inspired by Just Cause 2) Dead rising, the game is one big pressure moment, first you have around 18 hours to compelte the game, the gameplay is wacky and fun I was exploring my options when suddenly I got a radio was Otis who told e that tis guy needed help on the food court, I was like ok I have an objective maybe I'll go and help him, while I was on my way to the food court a second radio call I thought "I guesssome advice on the mission" Otis tells me of people trapped n another area of the mall, ok I'll help them after I help the first guy, so a zombie group attacked me and Iputted down the radio, Otis cals me agan and tells me I'm rude for hanging him over the radio (while I was defenseless aganst the zombies) annoying this guy Otis, minutes passed and I got to the guy I was suposed to hep after a fiery battle we win and I set my mind to help the survivors ten a big blue sign on my screen appeared "X is dead" and I was liek WTF so I kept playing and discvering the mall, on the secnd day I had a couple more missions suddenly all my left screen was filled with missions, survivors died missions accomplished, psychos found...I was in shock...

....I'm a ocmpletionist I like to get al I can in games but if I have to decide between advancing the story or help survivors that desnt allow me to get a the full ending I wanted, doing the story and rescuing everybody, never again I tried dead rising, the game had the 3 biggest things that annoy me and worse the were central to the gameplay......

A. clocked gameplay (around 18 hours or whatever)

B. split my gameplay between story or sidequests

C. Protect dumb AI

Sorry Otis I can't hear you my radio is out of batteries

On a final note Just cause 2 inspired me because of the stronghold missions which has you scorting a technician to certain point of an enemy base, the AI jsut walks the route and never stops so you ave to be fast and precise in order to acomplish this.