yeah I forgot I never post this on Gamespot so I might update before making it 2011 and while I'm at it it will give me time while the rest of the games are released.
Best Story 2010:Red Dead Redemption, the redemption of John Marston was an ultimately great joruney to see all the way, sadly Mass Effect 2 was too focused on companionsRunner-ups: Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, Castlevania Lords of Shadows.Best character 2010: John Marston(Red Dead Redemption) he was careful written and the player becomes attached to John, this outlaw made the game better with his sole presence.Runner-ups: Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2) Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell conviction) Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed Brotherhood)Best Campaign 2010: Mass Effect 2, the galaxy and lore gerew with this entry, and the desitions you are still making are shaping the galaxys fate, with a ship full of likeable aliens, Mass effect's 2 campaign was the best.Runner-ups: Red Dead Redemption, Halo Reach, Splinter cell conviction.Best Graphics 2010: Mass Effect 2, when I first got into the Afterlife bar in Omega I was blown away of how much the game had changed since the first one.
Runner-ups: Castlevania Lords of Shadows, Red Dead Redemption, Halo Reach, Battlefield Bad Company 2.
Best Art Direction 2010: Castlevania Lords of Shadows, all the creatures and enviroment are gorgeus to look at and actually they seem to fit.
Runner-ups: Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 2.
Best Sound 2010: Battlefield Bad Company 2, the punch on the guns and on all the enviroments were really easy to put this on, it might lack voice acting, but while I play I prefer the biggest bang available!
Runner-ups: Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Best Weapon2010: FN-Seven (Splinter Cell Conviction) deadliest pistol since the Halo CE pistol.
Runner-ups: Drill (Bioshock 2), Lasso (Red Dead Redemption) Fat Boy (Fallout New Vegas)
Best Multiplayer 2010: Battlefield Bad Company 2, I'm all up for bigh conflicts and on the 360 it doesn't get better than Battlefield Bad Company 2, Air, Sea and land vehicles make all better.
Runner-ups: Halo Reach, Army of Two the 40th day, Super Street Fighter IV
Best sequel
Mass Effect 2: it improved on the weak points of the first one making the experience more worthy! that and I never played Red Dead Revolver.
Runner-ups: Halo Reach, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Fallout New Vegas, Bioshock 2
Best adventure game 2010: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: the gameplay was refined and tuned, Ezio was as capable as usual.
Runner-ups: Splinter Cell Conviction, Castlevania Lords of shadows, Alan Wake
Best Shooter 2010: Halo Reach, nothing comes close to this overall package wether it be competitive MP, campaign or co-op Reach does it great, other games lack on one or the other twwo departments.
Runner-ups: Battlefield Bad company 2, Bioshock 2, Medal of Honor
Best RPG 2010: Mass Effect 2: the role you play in the galaxy is just to big to ignore.
Runner-ups: Fallout New Vegas
Best Fighting Game 2010; Super Street Fighter IV: really nothing comes even close to this.
Runner-ups: Tekken 6, is a good game and all but it lacks in comparison
Best Open World game 2010: Red Dead Redemption, leave it to Rockstar to deliver the open world games, and the western was an amazing setting for the hunters and cowboys.
Runner-up: none
I never expected this game to be good 2010: Red Dead Redemption, only thing I could though is why all this stuff bored me in GTA IV but I love in Red Dead Redemption.
Runner-up: Army of Two the 40th day
Sandman's 2010 GotY: Mass Effect 2, sorry great games in 2010 but nothing really jeopardizes Mass Effect's 2 epic campaign
Runner-ups: Red Dead Redemption, Halo Reach, Battlefield Bad company 2, Splinter cell conviction