• Doveakin’s Activity
  • Doveakin created a stack Games I've Finished.
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  • Doveakin posted a message in the forum topic What's your opinion on Nic Cage?. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    @pillarrocks said:I liked him in Con Air and Knowning. Saw him in a cowboy movie western and he was decent though using an accent sorta made question it was him. Ghost Rider is probably the worse as h...

  • Doveakin posted a message in the forum topic Do you invest in the stock market??. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    A recommendation given to private investors, especially to ones that are just starting out, is to not invest in stocks directly. They are way to volatility, and with a day job, it will be difficult fo...

  • Doveakin posted a message in the forum topic Why is this site so good?. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    @madrocketeer said:That's news to me. The gaming news part is meh, and the forums is finicky to use, buggy and barely active. I barely skim read the articles, and I'm way more active on Reddit these ...

  • Doveakin posted a message in the forum topic Do you like energy drinks?. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    I have tasted Red Bull and liked it, but I never made an habit of drinking it. If coffee doesn't count, then I say no I don't drink energy drinks.I think the whole aura around them of them being unhe...

  • Doveakin posted a message in the forum topic Which films do you know a significant amount of good quotes to?. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    The MatrixStar Wars (Mostly original and prequels)Harry Potter

  • Doveakin posted a message in the forum topic Is your home nice?. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    It is. It wasn't for a few years since I had to move. I moved a few years ago to an apartment and I had no furniture. Got the essential first, like a bed and a table and little else. It was functiona...

  • Doveakin created a stack Games I've Finished.
  • Doveakin created a stack Games I've Played.
  • Doveakin created a stack Games I'm Playing.
  • Doveakin created a stack Games I Own.
  • Doveakin created a stack Games I Want.