@cayde: man you are hilarious, you just talk absolute shit and have no idea what you are on about. didn't even acknowledge my comment, too many big words in it for you was there? sorry about that.
@cayde: quick on the defence there dude, haha i'm only a random person on the internet and my opinion doesn't hurt you so it's ok you're a big boy now :).. and yes i completely got what you mean't, but I doubt the dev's are worried about your opinion as most people seem to like the look of it. it's obviously not your usual horror if it is a horror but honestly doesn't seem like that's what they are going for which is tough sh*t on your part :P.. the day I get worried about a random persons opinion on whether i'm a "gamer at all" will be the day I give up on life haha.. not trying to prove anything but obviously you are, and don't act like you know me haha I have a full time job that's why I don't have an elite all powerful all knowing gamespot account like yourself but hey i'm happy with my "Newbie alt account". get to give sh*t to superiority complex elitist d*cks like you :), have fun pulling your underwear out of your vagina :)
They need to calm down with the high expectations of sales numbers, people really don't trust them anymore so I definitely see it having a slow launch then picking up speed depending on the reviews and such.
I like teamkill like but definitely should be optional with servers with teamkill and some without as you always come across people at some point just killing their team for fun.
Doylus' comments