Hi, First off I no how to put hardrive in Lenovo. Question is I put newhard drive in Lenovo and when i booted, Vista found all new drivers for the For the Hp Harddrive. Atfter A couple of weeks The pc started asking me for an activation key. OK i got the kek off the Hp machine but The Lenovo would not take it. OK, Next i did a clean install of the Hp hardivein the Leveno becusae the HP hardrive has a partition to do a clean install. Anyways eveything went well untill windows tryed to boot for the first time, but i wouldnt boot. I am gettinjg a configuration error and it wont do anything. What I am asking is there anyway to configure the Lenovo is the Bios or setup to Let the Hp Hardrive set up windows. Please NO one laugh I explaing that the Best I can...Thanks IN Advanced....
dr210's forum posts
Hi, I am thinking about maybe overclocking amd 64 x2 4200 2.2 ghz...Question is should I, Or Can I even do it.....Thanks in Advandced
Also just wanted to say all i need this card for is light gaming. COD2 is about all i play. I just bought this moniter so wanted and hd card to run it.
Thanks again....
Thanks for all the info this is the card i just ordered.....Any thoughts
Thanks again for the imput. I have one final request. I have found 2 Sapphire 5670's at newegg for almost same price 1 has 1gig of ddr3 the other has 512 of ddr5. Is there that much of a difference and what would it be. The difference is +$4 for 1gig ddr3
For the second there is no newegg reviews? Thanks
Thankyou for the reply but im just need a card to do some light gaming. COD2 mostly (6 year old game) and watch some hd videos with a monitor at its native resultion 1920x1080 22". Any1 else have have an opion on what card will fit my needs please reply. Cause I am buying one today. Thnaks
Which card would you prefer?
Ati 5670 or Nividia gt430 fermi?
I have decided to take some advice and go with theati 5670. I have to older rigs to choose from.
1st has Amd 64 x2 4200 2.2 ghz with win xp and 3 gigs of ram
2nd has P4 641 3.2 ghz with Vista and 3 gigs of ram
Also what brand of ati 5670
Sapphire or XFX? Both are about same price at Newegg...
HI, I am about to get 1920x1080 full hd res 22" monitor . Can anyone point me in the direction of a decent hd video card that will run on win xp at the native resolution. Mobo just has pci x16 as its older machine. Cpu is amd dual core 2.2 gig. 3 gigs of ram. Id like to find a card to watch hd movies and do some light gameing. I mostly play cod2. My Budget is around $100. Thanks David
Hi, I had gameranger installed on my pc running win xp. I did i clean install of hardrive now when i try to download gameranger in getting this error message. No response from gameranger. Check internet conection. Or checl with isp to make sure proy settings are correct. Can any1 help. Thanks David
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