I've heard the hype, read the reviews, but never in all my life would I have imagined enjoying World of Warcraft as much as I am. It took a while for me to decide what character I'd like to play, but one thing I had in mind was spells. I am, and always have been, drawn to the more spell casting ability driven characters, however knowing that they're not as strong as I'd like them to be I've gone for a kind of mix between a lower level fighter and a mid to higher level spell caster / healer, like a cleric in NWN, or in the case of WoW, a druid.
And so my character was born. A Night Elf Druid, named Willowa. She is remarkably pretty with her long blue hair, deep blue skin, dark full lips and deep purple, butterfly style facial artwork. She is, undoubtably the prettiest character I've ever played in any game to date.
World of Warcraft is certainly a new gaming experience for me. I've played the odd online game, but not for any substantial time. R.O.S.E. Online kept me busy for a bit, although, as cute as it is, it doesn't have nearly same amount of appeal as WoW. I've also discovered that being in a guild or group of sorts certainly makes the game a far more entertaining and worthwhile experience.
If nothing else, WoW is pretty. Oh so very, very pretty. Every creature, building, every bit of landscape and every character is beautifully done. A favourite place for me to go are the moonwells. When I stumbled apon my first one, I stood and looked at it, not wanting to move incase it dissappeared. Visually, this game is outstanding. Flying a hippogriff, running through the woods, fighting with beasts and monsters, everything in this game is exquisite.
Special abilities are fun. I've finally levelled up my druid enough for her to shapeshift into a bear. This was actually a whole lot easier than it would have been thanks to Ross (Nosehair), who bumped into me in the game. Having someone who is a whole lot higher in rank than you are is a huge help when you're completing particularily difficult quests. He just ploughed through the monsters while I was analysing and seeing how I was going to get through the situation. Before I knew it, he had killed off the monster that I needed to kill, and although I didn't get very many experience points, I did get what I needed for my shapeshifting skill. And so, I am now able to transform myself into a bear. A rather ugly bear actually.
Being in a guild certainly helps with the social aspect of the game. It's nice to be able to say hi to friends and find out what they're doing... although, all of them are far higher in rank than I am, and so going on quests with them is pretty much an impossibility. I guess that's another reason why is was so nice when I got to go questing with Ross. He did, however, discover how bad I am with direction. Getting lost in the game is something that I've become an expert in. The maps are, to say the least, awful. I seem to also have mountain trouble. Meaning, everytime I need to get somewhere, there's a mountain in my way and I need to go around it, or through it, and by the time I've gone around it, I've completely lost the way.
However, overall I have to say that I'm loving WoW. It's a game that is so worth playing if you can get to a decent net connection.
Silly moments in the game for me:-
- Running headlong into a group of shadow sprites and getting my ass handed to me.
- Being hit on by a dwarf (I think he was a dwarf... he was like half my height). "hey you beauty" was the line I believe. I nearly fell on my @$$ laughing.
- Being stalked by another player who wanted to duel with me. I eventually had to jump off a bridge into a canyon below to get away from him.
- Looking in an empty cave for a monster when he was RIGHT behind me. Thank heavens for friends coming to the rescue.
- Figuring out that my NE Druid dances like a stripper o_O
- Watching Xav's succubus smack her own @$$ whilst growling with merriment. I giggled myself silly at that.
- Being asked to join a group about 30 times by someone called Hiooiil (sp? or something like that).
- Morgoth (sp?) asking me if I was Ash from Pokémon.
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