I think I suffer from permanent Gamers Block. Well, it’s either that, or I’m just not a “concept getter.” I envy my friends with their 200 odd finished games under their belt. I look at someone like retrosepa, who is just a natural gamer; taking to games on various platforms like a natural footer surfer takes to the waves, and wonder if I’ll ever be one tenth of the gamer that he is. The answer is “I doubt it.” He is a living, breathing gaming machine… in human skin. However, such is life and so I’m happy to contend myself with the odd console game and, my latest endeavour, Magic the Gathering.
Yeah, I’m pretty much completely baffled by the game. Don’t get me wrong, the minor bits that I do understand, I enjoy, but the rest is like living in a dream… kinda foggy, mostly nonsensical. But anyways, I’ll keep plodding at it and hopefully it will begin to make sense.