Day one...
This has got to be the most complicated profile I've set up to date. Thank you to retrosepa (retro) for the help in getting going. It's much appreciated.
Where to begin... Well, this is about gaming, so we'll start there. I've been a gamer in the least l337 sense of the word since before I can remember.
Remember those old video games that you plugged into your TV, long before Sega ever arrived? That's what I started out on. My mom used to buy me the cartridges of 110 games and I had everything from Ducktails to Milk & Honey. I have to say, those oldies still rock. I then progressed to PC games with the first Tomb Raider being my first real pc game. I've played a variety of games from the older Carmageddon and Theme Hospital, then moving to Creatures 2 and more recently the odd PC game such as Sims 2 and Sid Meirs (sp?) Pirates.
I have to make something clear here... I'm not a PC gamer. Not by any means. I'm a console gamer, and as such my pc gaming experience is limited. Currently I own a PS2, and that is predominantly the platform I play on. I've played the odd Xbox game at a friends place, but nothing worth mentioning.
So here I am, starting a blog on a gaming portal, hoping to learn more about the hobby that I enjoy so much.