In light of the Lakers and Celtics finals games yesterday, I thought it would be funny to tell some people they were bandwagon jumpers.
Let's define the term, shall we? A Bandwagon is a popular group, trend or idea that is prevelant in today's society. So, if i called you a bandwagon jumper, you like to go towards the popular group and etc.
Anyway, I called someone a bandwagon jumper and the person went irate on me. But, with one exception; she was a girl.
I'm not being sexist, but she took it WAY too seriously. All dudes know that if we are called that, our natural response is either a funny joking response (ie, **** you man!, or just not say anything) But, she decided to defend herself like an ape hoarding a batch of banannas. I took it like the champ when she was spewing bs like any politician on capital hill these days, while i sat back and laughed at her face.
She defended herself way too hard, which means one thing:She is one. Haha! Eat my **** I win.
And of course, I would like to thank the hood and my shrink.