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Console Wars: Why The PS3 Stinks

Since I haven't been blogging on this site for more than a day, non of you will know about my total hatred of Sony. Now, I have nothing against the people that run Sony (except for Ken Kutaraga, or w/e the guys name is), and I don't think that they're actually a bad company. I just don't think that their feeling as supirior to the othre console manufacturers is right. First off, Nintendo has been aroudn longer than anyone thats making consoles, and they continue to innovate in an industry that is sorely lacking anything drasticly new. On the Microsoft front of things, they have a more open veiw of the industry, and they aren't under the impression that they have the perfect console. They do talk alot about how the 360 has a wide appeal to both casual and hardcore gamers, but they aren't actting cocky about it. Sony, on the other hand, prances around talking about how much the PS3 is gonna blow off your socks. And yet, it essentially the 360, with a downgraded online service, comprable graphics, a Blu-Ray disc drive (LOADING TIMES!!!), and a Wii rip off motion sensitive feature. It has the poor mans version of the other consoles, but at an insanly high price point. I could buy both of the other consoles, and get the same features as the PS3, for 50 bucks more. Thats two consoles for essentially the price of one!! I think that the recent "fight" between Mr. Ken, and a producer from Epic (makers of the freakin' awesme Gears of War). Ken stated out by talking about how the Next-Gen would start when Sony wanted it to. The Epic guy ( I can't find this guys name!!!) got pissed off, and said that that was B.S., and that the Next-Gen is here. He talked about how Gears of War looked far better than any PS3 launch title. These statments are a good thing if your in the Microsoft boat, because this means that Epic will be much less likely to want to work with Sony, and there will be more 360 exclusives. In a later interveiw, Kutaragi said "We do not care." when asked about the PS3s possibley (and hopeully) dissmile holiday sales. Cocky much, no? Well, theres my case, and I hope that before you buy a PS3, think about it....