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Madden "Gamers"

As promised, here are my veiws on the supposed group of Madden "gamers" we hear about alot these days. First off, what is the supposed Madden "gamer"? Its people that play exclusivly, or nearly exclusivly Madden games. Ok, so does that make them a gamer? No way in h3ll! I get people talking to me about video games and when i ask them "What's your favorite game?" they reply Why, Madden (current year) of course!" "Do you consider yourself a gamer?" I ask. "Well duh son!" Thats bull crap man. I'm sick of peopel labeling themselves as gamers because they play the same stale, tired game year after year and consider themselves harcore. You not a gamer unless you at least DABBLE in creative, interesting games like Zelda, OKAMI, and...well, I'll give you Halo. But to claim to be a gamer when your only experience is friggin Madden, no. That crosses the line. Oh yeah, and MADDEN ISN'T GOOD!! That's another thing that bugs me. The game i remarkably similar every year, and that just boring. I mean, where's the skill of pressing one of the face buttons, and then avoiding dull-as-a-doorknob defense A.I. to score a T.D?? Its rediculous to think that your a gamer for being able to do what a dolphin could pull off! So next time you hear a person wearing a football jersey sitting around playing a game of Madden, tell them "YOU AREN'T A GAMER!" So just stop pretending. And oh yeah, whats the deal with this whole "Madden Football Superbowl" crap!?! It's just a bunch of fat guys standing around a TV screen playing the same MEDICORE game, year after year!!! How can you label that a SUperbowl. Then again, the Superbowl itself is pretty fake...Well, that's all the complaining I can do for now. Next up in my "Your NOT Cool" series of blog posts: the NOT-amazingness of Halo 3.