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The REAL Next-Gen

Sorry to my negative 3 readers that I haven't updated in a while. I've been pretty busy playing Rock Band and Assassins Creed, whihc by the way are two great games. Also, those two games conviniently bring me to my real subject: the true next-gen games that have come out so far this generation. Now, keep in mind that most of my experience is limited to the 360 and word of mouth, but this is a fairly accurate (if not opinionated) list of the true next-gen gems. 
Crysis- All I have really played of Crysis is the demo. But holy cow, was it impressive. Yeah sure, the story seems fairly bare bones, and the voice acting is...cheesy, but the overall package is beyond impressive. The graphics alone make this game stand out. THis is probably the closest to photo realism we'll get in a game until the sequal. Also, the gameplay, although fairly standardly structured, really breaks the mdl with the nanosuit powers and free-form mission structure. Definitly an important game for FPSes.
Rock Band- Although Rock band doesn't introduce a WHOLE lot to the music genre, it perfects so much, and pulls it off remarkably well. The gameplay is solid, and the interface is damn near perfect. Also, it really plays off the gamers emotions by making them feel like their in aband better than Guitar Hero can claim to do. Plus, it has the drums controller. That controller alon makes me feel like a rock star. Truly next-gen. 
Super Mario Galaxy- I haven't gotten my hand son this game yet, but it looks VERY impressive. Off the bat, the graphics look very polished for a Wii game. Also, from what I've heard, the gameplay really takes platforming to a new level. And I believe it. Platformers have been yawn-inducingly similar for 20 years, but it seems like Galaxy may finally have shaken up to formula. Good job Mario!
Crackdown- Ok, so not everyone liked htis game, right? But I freakin LOVEEE it. THe graphics are pretty good. Th gameplay is solid. There's jump-in-and-play co-op. And the city is one of the most wide open, living cities in game history. THe polish in this game is amazing, and it feels like a truly next-gen game, even if not everone agrees wiht me on that.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare- I can't praise this game enough! Everything about it is pitch perfect, and the multiplayer is so rich and deep that there's no way you could deny that it is pushing the FPS genre in a new, better direction. Also, the fact that the story is short, but ridiculously powerful is somthing that I hope to see in more games this generation. I could even say COD4 stands up there with RE4 as one of my favorite games! Yeah, I said it!
Assassins Creed- Liek Crackdown, this game hasn't been favored across the board, but I think that it really does tings new and exciting very well. First off, the graphics and animations are probably the best of any open world game on consoles. Altair feels more life like than any other hero in a game, (except for the fact that he runs like he has a turd in his pants...). And the gameplay is unique because of the hardcore-esque platforming. and a fighting system that is very original. Also, the crowd "dynamic" is pulled off very well, and impressed me. 
Well, there you have it. That's my current list of truly next-gen games, and I can guarentee that I'll be updating it with new titales ona regualr basis (here's looking at you GTA4 and Force Unleashed). Next up on my planned list of veiws on the implimentation of music in games...?