Not an easy milestone, PS4 B killin' 'em current gen. Congrats $ony, now let's see if Switch can beat 100M too- once Pokémon drops this year the race will truly be on proper I bet they can as well. M$... I bet they close the gen between 1M or less than they are now. Just sayin' is all I have an X and hope I buy a few more games for it before I never turn it on again. But yeah, I suppose the generation crown was well earned quite some time ago.
If they bring back "Last Stand" I'm in. I miss it so much, it's one of two things that made me fall in love with COD in the first place. People complained cus they suck and a guy with a handgun and almost no mobility bested them often, but why should you you just instantly die of a non-instantly fatal limb wound, you'd drop and bring out your sidearm while you bleed out. That and kill cam made me fall in love in the course of a brief beta on the 360 back in the day before the first MW launched. That would bring me back, all in & DLC & whatever nickle and dime bullshit they come up with no questions asked. Overpriced collectors edition instantly pre-ordered.
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