I don't give two ***t's aboot campaign, what makes online FPS's great is the surge of bliss you get from killing real people. The gameplay vids I've seen look great, no ziplining/ double-jumping/ wall-running, a recent article on GS promised "no battle royale", all signs point to a good COD. To different people that means different things, but to me what I've seen so far made me pre-order the "Dark Edition" and I'm all in. Got it for the XBoneX cuz I also pre-ordered the Elite controller 2 that comes out around the same time, and come this fall I be killin' 'em real greasy. Same user name on XBL- I'll see some of you out there. Killing you all, and being killed by you all is going to be awesome. And as for the NV goggles, gonna use 'em to play Pokémon Go in the dark of night. There's a gym give or take a KM or two from my condo through a windy, rapey, foresty park that's pitch effing black. I ain't gonna be raped down there this year thanks Activision <3
Dr_Vancouver's forum posts
Can't wait to try in VR. Haven't played since a few months after launch, watched some vids looks awesome now with full MP and VR and other awesome updates.
Kay, so on Prime Day I had given up on any legit good deals 'till the wife texted me a link for a a Prime deal on Razer Phone 2 for $458 CDN at the eleventh hour. I'm a Blackberry die hard but that was enough to get me to jump. Love it so far, but...
Also, before anyone chimes in with "Google blah blah blah" I have searched the bejeezus out of this. Finally figured out how to get the stock Android "triangle, circle, square" nav buttons back (phone defaulted with two weird symbols) but now I've encountered another hurdle.
I wish I knew how to upload pics on mobile, I don't even have a working PC right now and only haunt these forums from my phone anyways. One screenshot and it would be easy to understand what I mean. My "triangle circle square" are solid white shapes, but when I see images on the web of RP2 the Android nav buttons aren't solid, they are thin outlined shapes. That looks much more aesthetically pleasing and I want to now how to do that.
I hope that makes sense to anyone that may know how to help, other fancy RP2 tricks welcome but I must know how to achieve "thin outline triangle circle square" it's killing me having these solid ugly shapes at the bottom of such an otherwise pretty mobile device. However long it's been since Primeday I've been fiddling with this phone's endless options, but I can't seem to find what I want most. Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors, I'm used to typing on the physical keys of a Blackberry Key2- this "typing on a screen" feels like sex wearing five condoms at once. Please help a lost soul <3
The pics skew the point, but are very misleading. The pics use similar looking and placed squares, but anyone who is used to both UI's can see what's going on here. Fake news. I welcome any XB UI change though, M$ nailed it with the blades on the 360, effing nailed it, but every change since then has been making XB UI exponentially worse and worse. Navigating around has no rhyme or reason anymore on the Bone. Ads everywhere (which I feel would be fine if I didn't have gold, but since I do wtf). I liked PS3 XMB better than PS4 UI, but it's still simple and easy to navigate on PS4. On the XBone you're just trying to avoid ads like old school Minesweeper. Wanna find something?.. here's some ads! Nope, not here either more ads. Keep scrolling past the ads and guess what? That's right more ads. PS4 has kind of an evolved XMB. XBone UI is like trying to navigate Times Square NY with dimensia, low blood sugar, vertigo and Alzheimer's.
I'd say stick with hybrid it works so effing well... unless Sony and M$ copy the format for next gen, then abandon it and go for something else we wouldn't have expected. When everyone else zigs, Ninty zags. Thats why they're still relevant.
Oooh, tough question and probably the worst place for it. My first console was the NES, and I own almost every console since and predating it. I give it to SNES but that is no easy conclusion to come to.
Runners up in no specific order
*Panasonic Q
*60GB PS3
*PS4 Ps4 Pro w/ PSVR
*Pokémon Let's Go Switch
*Light Yellow PS2
*Specific I know, and list would be much longer but I didn't include handhelds other than switch cuz I don't consider them "consoles" *
I think that their colour choices were all very suited to themselves. If it were me though, I'd have tried to sway my camp to adopt the rainbow. That baby sure is gathering a lot of steam these days.
Didn't vote. If you want a kart racer buy a Switch. If you want a racing sim buy a PlayStation. If you want a series that tries to be a SIM, except for occasionally trying to turn your SIM into Hotwheels or Lego buy an XBox.
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