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Edited By dracosummoner

@diegocancun: @redstar: @Joe_Zombie Let me see if I can help make sense of this, if I may. To those who aren't aware, according to Gamasutra ( http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/28433/Blizzard_Reveals_StarCraft_II_Subscription_Option_For_Emerging_Markets.php ), there ~is~ a deal in certain countries to where people actually do have to pay a subscription fee to play Starcraft II after six months or so, at least in a sense. You can either pay full price for the game up front ($60, like in the U.S.), or you can pay $30 or so and then pay a subscription fee after the first six months. Yes, I know it sounds awkward, but diegocancun's not high. That's simply the way it works in certain "developing" countries, according to the linked article, where I'm guessing he or she lives. ---------------------------------------------- Now enough about that. Hopefully, God willing, I can get a new PC soon (I'd like to do some advanced 3D modeling besides just gaming, so I'm aiming for fairly high hardware requirements), so I'm looking forward to being able to blast this game through the roof. :-P

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Edited By dracosummoner

@theslimdavylp @Fusco1980 Besides, there already is an animated Dead Space film ("Downfall," not sure if you'd call it animé or not); I'm not really sure what you meant here, sorry. Please excuse my confusion.

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Edited By dracosummoner

@Fusco1980 If I may, I don't think your point was quite clear in your post. You were complaining about the game looking "so animé" when all you'd said was that "this wasn't Dead Space 2, this was Dead Rising 2." No offense meant, but that was kinda ... ambiguous. You also said, "People (especially the younger kids) need to learn what looks good and what doesn't," but to some extent this is kinda subjective. "People thought Bioshock was crap" -- If I may, are we talking about the same game? I heard very, very little criticism of the first title, at all, and even for the second game, I only heard minor complaints.

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Edited By dracosummoner

-> Bog101: Well, I'm sure most people, even non-gamers, would recognize Batman and the better-known Marvel superheroes.

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Edited By dracosummoner

Well, there technically are a few recommendations for the ladies if one expands the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance category to include all playable characters. Then again, I know plenty of women who would not want to wear outfits like those, anyway.

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Edited By dracosummoner

"It's clear to me that Grand Theft Auto and BioShock have more in common with a tea party for teddy bears than they do with the plays of Shakespeare." Oh, no, he didn't. Now that's just incendiary. I can't speak for Grand Theft Auto, but that's only because I haven't really played it. Bioshock, however, had some of the best attention to detail that I've seen in any game's backstory. Final Fantasy Tactics has one of my favorite stories, and I also think fondly on several Bioware games, the Halo series (yes, seriously -- though the books helped in no small part), and numerous other games. What's interesting, though, is that some games, with particular emphasis on role-playing games, are juggling several smaller stories at once. I've played several RPGs whose "side quests" were occasionally more creative and refreshing in terms of background and plot than the games' main storylines were (Oblivion especially comes to mind), whether or not the main storylines were good or bad. I suppose a good analogue to this would be a more linear game whose story was filled with diverse subplots -- some subplots might be very well-done, and others might not be. Maybe I'm asking a foolish question, but should these subplots be examined individually or in the context of the whole game?