dracosummoner's forum posts
I'm sorry, but what do you mean, "you bought Mass Effect 2 [which isn't commercially available yet] ?" Are you talking about some sort of locked pre-download feature (for the PC version) ?:'( I bought mass effect 2 and it doesnt work. those bastards! I have heard that dead space is hella good. I think I'll buy it this weekend.
Oh yeah and with the ability to record the things you do and play them back later makes it even better. GrandJuryI still don't see why this isn't a standard feature in more games.
Why don't more games, particularly multiplayer games (not that Theater isn't awesome in Halo 3's Campaign, as well), have some sort of recording feature, dare I ask?Halo 3 Guardian jumped up on the side with the overshield and no scoped an invisible opponent in the head.
Still have that one recorded. lol
That's not where the story ends, though, is it? ;-)Well I was raped by a little alien on Dead Space...
Just out of curiosity, do you still have the video saved in Theater? (It seems like, for me, it's really easy to take something like Theater for granted until I play a shooter that doesn't have anything like it.)Well in halo i had an extremely awesome betray kill. I'm playing team snipers on vallaha and me and my teammates are jumping on the bridge and i just turn to my side and shoot to see what happens and i get a three for one betrayal on my teammates. Then i saw the little you have been booted from the game notification. But it was soo worth it.
Well here are some choices.[QUOTE="Corenz"]
What is the best split-screen coop game for me and my girlfriend to play, one that isnt too hard, thanks all.
- Rainbow Six Vegas
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2
- Graw 2
- Borderlands
- Gears
- Gears 2
- L4D
- L4D2
- Army of two
- Halo 3
- Halo ODST
Ok. Halo 3 is pretty easy to pick up and play and you two can have some really fun with it. Gears and Gears 2 has the cover system which makes it very convenient for new players and is really fun and bloody(If she does not mind). But Borderlands has LOTS to do, loot, rpg elements and is very fun. You can't go wrong with any of these games but show her some of these games and see which ones she likes the most.
Halo 3 is quite reasonable on the easiest difficulty. I don't think that difficulty can be set for each individual player, but the game is still pretty fun whether or not it's a challenge.In a way that reminds me of what I once did in my demo of the racing game GRID. (No one "died," per se, but the in-game consequences were close enough.) I was on the second lap of a three-lap race, racing down the narrow home stretch and beginning to start my third lap, when my car snagged on the wall to my right. My car spun around 90 degrees and got temporarily stuck, but before I could reverse and continue on, the second-place car ran headlong into my side with a magnificent *crunch,* and I heard crunch after crunch after crunch as I looked behind me to see an enormous cloud of dust and debris with most of the opposing cars piled up behind me. I was able to finish the third lap, though my car's steering was now messed up, and I ended up winning. Seven of the twelve cars, if I recall correctly, didn't even finish the race.In battlefield 1943 i called in an air raid on one of the flags. I ended up killing 7 of the 12 enemies with it. It was so cool!
mine has to be in call of duty mw2. me and my friend were having a shoot out in the office section of highrise. He was on the other side of the room and i was on the opposite end. My friend shot me right on the foot, and i as i fell to ground right before entering last stand, i threw a knife randomly towards his direction. it flew across the room and landed right on his face instantly killing him. it was pretty sweet. whats the coolest way youve killed someone? also once in gta 4, 3 of my friends asked me to pick them up with my chopper. i came to thier location and they were surrounded by cops. they were like "YEAHH DUDE WERE SAVED, YOU SHOWED UP RIGHT IN TIME! WERE OUT OF AMMO, GET US OUT OF HERE". i tried to land but i was going to fast to land where they were, so i crash landed right on top of them. killing them all. imaboveBioshock. I was preparing to go up against a Big Daddy, one of the game's iconic boss enemies (which usually takes a good five minutes or longer to kill), but I wanted to try a strategy I'd found. The strategy involved [spoiler] 'firing' half a dozen proximity mines onto any one of the omnipresent oxygen canisters and using Telekinesis to throw the whole assembly at the Big Daddy. (I tagged this as a spoiler because it removes a lot of the challenge from the game, and I didn't want anyone who prefers the challenge to have to force themselves not to do this.) [/spoiler] The Big Daddy went down in one hit. As far as multiplayer goes, my fondest memory took place in the game F.E.A.R. Combat. One of the capture-the-flag maps takes place in a large wooded forest with bases for both teams at either end. Near each base are some periodically respawning remote mines in groups of three. I and a teammate both decided to place our own sets of remote mines and detonate them at the same time once an enemy came charging for the flag. The resulting explosion was about the size of, perhaps, a mini-nuke in other games. It was enormous.
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