RTS Paradise
by dragenix on Comments
7th July 2025, Highguard Commander Ezecheon has been woken from his bed at the Imperial Headquarters on the planet 'Ebon' and has been ordered to report to Supreme Commander Harkones and Highguard Commander Bashir, who was Supreme Commander Bashir's son. They had been put in charge of the planet's evacuation of all civilians, and the militarization of the colony as a point from which to hold back the enemy from advancing towards Earth.
Since May Ezecheon's fleet had lost another 3 frigates, one of his destroyers with another one so badly damaged that it could no longer enter combat, and was being used to evacuate civilans. His medical vessel was completly wiped out, and his communations vessel had been militarised. All in all it was great losses, but relatively small for his first mission in command of an entire fleet. Those who had survived up until now, had began to respect Ezecheon and no longer consider him as a rookie, and they now saw him as a great leader and also a great friend. The main difference between Ezecheon and other Imperial Commanders is that while they all attacked the enemy to win at all costs, Ezecheon fought in a way to keep as many of his men alive as possible.
It was to be 5 days until the entire planet of 'Ebon' was to be evacuated, and within that time 6 Imperial fleets were to arrive to set up a new frontline of operations, even though it was in territory they already owned. Ezecheon still did not know where he would be sent next, or whether the Imperium Highcommand still saw him fit enough to run his own fleet. Supreme Commander Al'dera had asked Ezecheon to meet him on the sixth planet in the 'Oranile System'. It was a planet deep within Imperial space but still quite some distance from Earth, which Ezecheon had been ordered to return to for immediate debriefing by Highcommand itself. What could Al'dera possibly have to tell Ezecheon that it was important enough to delay returning to Earth. But it was after all Al'dera that was responsible for his promotion, so he was not going to question his previous mentor.
It is the 5th month of the year 2025, and Commander Ezecheon has been in the 'Efcalon System' for 9 months now. As soon as he arrived the enemy had already invaded the 3rd planet in the system 'Ebon'. After 9 days battling throughout the system, followed by a 3 week campaign to obliterate the enemy off the face of the planet, Ezecheon's fleet spent just short of 2 months guarding the system from enemy convoys trying to take back the planet, before they gave up. But for how long Ezecheon wondered, the enemy never gave up. They had populated over 5 times of the universe than his people, and although their forces were of equal strength, they could easily win by numbers alone.
Since he had entered the system he had lost one of his scout ships, one of his Intergalatic Class Frigates, and a 3 squadrons of starfighters off other vessels. It wasn't that much of a lose considering how many enemy vessels very destroyed, but Ezecheon had just got his fleet, and he was already losing it, he felt like it was his fault for bad commanding, but it was he good commanding skills that had prevented more forces being lost. On top of losing ships in his fleet, he had also lost soldiers in the planet campaign, although a lot of the forces on the planet were already stationed units, and civillian support, he still felt that the loses were his fault, a feeling that any newly appointed commander felt. In normal circumstances a Highguard Commander that performed badly would have been removed from his post, but these were not normal circumstances with the war being at its peak, and Ezecheon was not a bad commander.
It is the year 2024 and General Ezecheon has just been promoted to Highguard Commander of the 7th Epsilon Fleet. His fleet consits of a command ship, 9 Intergalatic Class Frigates, 3 Warlord Class Destroyers, a Long-range Communications and Detection Ship, a Medical vessel, a Repair vessel, and 2 Scout vessels. He controls the 5th largest fleet in the Imperium, and he has just been handed a high risk mission to take his fleet to the 'Efcalon System' to give support to an Imperium colony which is under attack, and being sieged by the great enemy.
Previous to his promotion, he served under Highguard Commander Al'dera of the 3rd Infinity Fleet, the largest fleet of the Imperium. It was after his amazing victory at the Battle of Xeno Prime, that Al'dera decided that if Ezecheon could command such a small task force to victory that he should be able to command his own fleet. So under the support of Supreme Commander Bashir, Ezecheon was promoted.
come the 19th september, we will all be able to surve the emperor once again, but this time as one of his imperial guard commanders, we will burn the heritics, kill the mutants, and purdge the unclean. all in the name of the imperium of man.
the dawn of war comes again, this time its hot to be cool, in winter assult.
through the destruction of our enemies do we earn our salvation
well its been quite some time since i stuck battlefield 2 into my computer and stopped going outside, but now im back in the sunshine (or what little of it there is). but that doesnt mean that my battlefield is over, oh no far from it.
in fact id say that ive played so much battlefield 2 that i would now be able to drive a tank, use lots of different guns, and even fly a fighter jet, in real life. i wouldnt be as good in real life though as id have to watch out that i dont die.
i believe that the game is a very good simulation of modern battles and its now made me happy that if i ever end up in a war, that i will be able to stay alive for much longer.
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