I love this game, and in my opinion it has gotten so much better. You would probably think that sequels sucks, but this one nailed it. The storyline is nice (Currently playing), and i like the ties with Dragon Age Origin. I missed the background customization, but at least they made a good intro and story. I also miss being able to change the armour on allies. They've changed stuff, but it did not ruin the fun, so i don't mind the bad changes
Interesting, would like to switch to the slim, but its expensive... Only if Microsoft would be nice and would just allow my old xbox360 along with $50 to be traded for the slim.
Forklift!!!Gruntpocalypse?!? Want to find out what the One Way Shield in Forge is..... Sounds interesting..... Maybe a way to stop spawn camping in your new map?
These social games are people who have problems when it comes to really good graphics and animations. Social games, like Farmville, are a complete waste of time... Don't see how that's considered social, if all you do is farm for yourself...
drago9876's comments