drago9876's's Gamespot Rank
drago9876's Emblems
E3 2010 Ballot Stuffer
Because voting once is never enough. These highly dedicated fans led their own successful grassroots campaign of one and voted in every single category of the Best of E3 2010 Awards.
Greatest Game Villain Bouncer
Because we can't just let anyone in. This user voted in the All Time Greatest Game Villain wild card round to help determine the final ten villains to join the battle royale.
Greatest Game Villain Henchman
Hey, everyone's got to start somewhere. These loyal minions created a bracket to guess at who is the most vile of them all. Let's hope they don't get caught betting against their overlords!
Best of 2010 Readers' Choice Chooser
Participant in the 2010 Readers' Choice awards. Voting in only a handful of categories is for babies--babies who won't get this achievement! These dedicated not-infants voted in 80% of available categories like a grown-up.
Best of 2010 Dark Horse Rider
Underdogs don't always win. That's why they're underdogs. This user voted on every category, and their choices more often than not were not the Readers' Choice winners. They chose...poorly.
Hey look, it's a totally original dude wearing armor. With a huge gun and a helmet (a visor?). And he's riding a unicorn. This user was granted this magical emblem for not having any of their user profile images hosted on untrusted websites during The Great Purge of March 2013.
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