Finally 2008 ended, not that I was waiting for the year to end, actually I don't even remember how it began but I'm sure a lot of things happened last year.
My memory is really bad but there's events that even I can't forget, the world has been through a lot of changes some of them good, some others bad, let's start naming and remembering what happened in 2008.
From the gaming standpoint 2008 was a great year, it was like 1998 of this generation, lots of amazing games that raised the standards of entretainment's bussines, to name some we have: Metal Gear Solid 4, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Little big planet, Soulcalibur 4, Street fighter 2 HD remix, Braid, World of Goo, Fallout, No More Heroes, Gears of War 2, Prince of Persia, Grand theft auto 4, and plenty of games that elude my memory right now.
The portables got their piece of cake too, with the PSP and NDS fighting for their public, some of the greatest portable games had born, seriously, some weeks the PSP was kicking Nintendo's but, sometimes it was the other way around, the volatile market changed with every big title in each console. This year if I remember correctly it was the death of piracy devices for portables too.
But not everything was so great, some games didn't survived the hype, they were consumed by the words of their developers and publicists, they were destroyed by the press, don't even make think in Too human again, and who can forget SW the force unleashed, some may add Fable 2, Wii music (damn, it didn't even was a great idea to begin with), and so on.
Other big failure was E3 2008, the first time I watched the e3 on live-stream and it sucked, everybody who watched it won't let me lie.
First Microsoft, it was so bad, basically the new experience, every clip they had was like the first ads for the wii, a bunch of multy racial persons pretending to have fun while playing all together with their wireless motion controlers, so bizarre. The avatars were somewhat a good idea, the problem, Nintendo added their Miis first, I'm not sayin they are the same, but damn they were compared to death, besides the Xiis, like some people calls them, can't reflect our ugly faces as the Miis can, there is not a lot of customization with them, one point for them, there are not sexual faces around there.
The Nintendo conference sucked, they were promising a game everybody would want by the end of the year, during the wait for the "great game", we saw a woman talking about puppies and a mortal duel between Regginator and her, a hippie in snowboard and lot of hype. At the end the game we were expecting, Miyamoto walks acroos the stage pretending to play music with a wiimote and my inner child getting stabbed by Nintendo, yeah, the show was a lie, a lie aiming to get my grandmothers money instaed of mine.
And Sony, what can I say, it was boooooriiiiiiiing, the dude was painful to hear, the GoW 3 teaser leave evrybody hoping to see more, most of the games were uninteresting and lots of commercials doesn't excite me.
In the world, well there it is the global recession, the rise of gas price, Obama as the USA president, shoes flying to Bush, but my favorite, the Olympic games.
I'm not a big fan of sports but the olympics are quite the event, Phelps won everybody's heart while winning 14 gold medals and beating the record of Spitz. Bolt running like the devil was amazing too, and who can forget the opening show and closure, China was a good choice for the Olympic games.
In movies, I didn't watched all of them but I really LOVED The dark knight and Wall-E. I watched Cloverfield with a lot of expectations but I didn't liked it, my problem was the fact that you must watch all the viral marketing to fully understand the movie, and for me that's like studying and its not even worth it. I watched Kung-Fu Panda just for fun, I really liked it.
What else, yeah, the death of Heath Ledger, was a shock, I hope he's resting in peace.
In my personal life, I did a lot of things I thought I would never do, thing I always wanted to do, and finally became a confident person, yay for me.
If somebody was able to read through my poor grammar and that wall of text, comment and tell me what did you like about 2008.
Happy new year everyone!!.