This is my top 5 super/anti hero coolest design:
5 Viewtiful Joe: Maybe he looks like a power ranger, but if you compare him with the flashor Superman, they just wear a spandex, but Joe has a helmet with a huge "V" in his forehead that actually is a boomerang, his cape is diferent from any other hero and can transform into a bomb, the best part are his yellow eyes, they shine (not geting romancing) just like lanterns and wear the underwear under his pants.
4 War machine:This armor with a guy is filled with really powerful weapons, including machinegun, laser beam, laser blade, rocket launcher, flame thrower, etcetera, all this weapons make him look powerful and dangerous.
3 Batman:Maybe is because he is my favorite hero from comics but I like a lot his look, he looks like a demon or something more than a bat, besides he is always cold making him look cruel and invincible, his belt can carry a lot of gadgets and weapons and still looks aesthetically cool.
2 Ghost rider:This guy seriously looks cool, the motorcycle and the chains are great but being a skeleton covered in flames in a motorcycle covered in flames too with chains and a killer sight are the win, just a look into his eyes and you are dead. He looks better in a horse IMO.
1 Spawn: A flamingghost in amotorcycle is really hard to beat but one guy made it, Spawn has almost every single thing that makes Ghost rider cool, being dead, chains, demonic look, shining eyes, he only lacks a ride and flames, but because of the lack of this he has a giant cape that cover almost completly his body, besides his suit is symbiotic and is able to evolve, he started without a mask, making him looks grotesque but not bad, when evolves and get his mask he isevil personified, the evolution brings another cool things, boots and armor covered with spikes, his cape gets shreded, and his chains are capable of better transformation.
This is just my opinion.