Today, I went to the mall with my Dad and Bro. We just hung out and checked out some stores. I saw a cool Promo Cut-out for Diddy Kong Racing DS for of course the DS at EB Games. I'm definetly gonna get it when it comes out. We checked out EB Games but they didn't have anything good today.Next, we went to Hot Topic and my Dad bought my bro a shirt that he wanted. They also had a cool DethKlok shirt. My Dad asked me if I wanted it but the only problem was they only had crappy small sizes. So, next we went to Sam Goody and I checked out the games section and I found Hunter: The Reckoning Redeemer for Xbox for only $10. My Dad got it for me since I couldn't get my Dethklok shirt. It was all good.
Hunter: The Reckoning Redeemer (Xbox)
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