Today, after work me and my friend zombiekiller1 a.k.a Lynn did our usual routine of going to the game stores. Today, we went to EB Games and a funny thing happend. Apparently, Lynn noticed that the Gameboy Advance game(s) case was open, actually the door was broken off. Anyways, me and Lynn decided to see if there was any good Gameboy Advance games (at least we didn't have to ask the counter guy to open the case). I found Street Fighter Alpha 3 and it was only $14.99. But, here's the funny part. Since the case was open I decided to pull a switcheroo with the price tags. So, basically I just switch the price tag/sticker from another game that was $4.99 for the $14.99 price tag/sticker that was on Street Fighter Alpha 3. Lynn also did the same, he did it for Sonic Battle, so he switched the $20 sticker on it for a $4.99 one as well. After, that we went to pay for our games seperately. The funny thing is the whole sticker switcheroo we did worked. Me and Lynn laughed our asses off afterwards because it actually worked. That was just some funny stuff right there. I also picked up Robotech: Battlecry and Need for Speed Underground for Xbox.
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (GBA)
Robotech: Battlecry (Xbox)
Need for Speed Underground (Xbox)
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