Well, at least it did rain but it didn't pour. Anyways, I went to go cash my check yesterday w/ my bro and Lynn. We then went to Gamecrazy so I could buy my bro a memory card for his dreamcast and I did. I also got him a Tremor Pack for it too. I found Lynn Army Men: Sarge's War (Gamecube) and he checked if he had enough money to get it but he was a dollar short so of course being the cool dude that I am, I gave him the dollar. As for me, I cut down and only got 2 games. I got SSX Tricky (Gamecube) for only $7.99 and Mechassult 2: Lone Wolf Special Edition (Xbox) for only $8.99. After Gamecrazy we went to CVS (like Walgreens) to look for some CD cases that I needed. My bro actually found something cool there. He found a Mortal Kombat Deception Action Figure and it was Kano. There was 3 so I had to get one for me, my bro, and Lynn. Not bad for a rainy day.
SSX Tricky (Gamecube)
Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf Special Edition (Xbox)
Mortal Kombat Action Figure: Kano