2/10 foo.Bad idea. To many will say "Best Game Evar" or "I couldn't make it run/DRM, therefore it is terrible 2/10"
dragonsasdasdsa's forum posts
eh. not the best game on the XBOX360 but its good..This game really needs to come to PC. Hopefully with the recent success of some indie games through Steam people will start to recognize that PC users enjoy the odd arcade-type game every now and then as well, and don't want to dish out for a console just to play them.
What do you guys think, any chance we'll ever see this on PC?
[QUOTE="dakan45"]i reccomend you stop now, if you keep doing this (shoving ur hands in my pants ), it wont come to any good in this site.....heydude111DOOD what the hell...im...wow. dude you have problems.
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