During the Holiday break I went to see I Am Legend, mainly because I'm a sucker for both thos 'end of the world' kind of movies, and, of course, Will Smith. I had really high hopes going in, maybe too high. It turns out the movie sucks. Smith gives a damn good performance, as he always does. His level of acting is nearly untouchable, but the rest of the movie is weighed down by plot holes and falls for cheap and predictable horror plotlines. Turns out the whole movie is predictable. Within a few minutes of going in, you can figure out the ending. I'll try not to give away too much, but one of the biggest plot holes is in one scene, while Smith is driving around the city, he spots off to his left down a bridge one of the mannequins he placed around the city to give him some sense ofnormalcy, being the last human and all. So anyway, he drives up to investigate, and by now you can clearly see he is going insane, so he shoots Fred, as he calls the mannequin, to ****. He walks up to Fred, and for some reason, gets caught in a trap. (One of those wire traps that catches you by the ankle and lifts you up in the air.) He eventually cuts himself loose, but the thing is, this goes completely unexplained. He certainly did not set the trap, and Ana, who arrives later in the movie, wasn't even IN the city at that point! Not to mention, the Darkseekers certainly didn't set it... Besides that, the movie falls for a predictable plot, and not the earthshaking drama that was promised. Overall, a 4/10.
That's the bad news, the good news is that Jade Empire 2 exists. Here is the article from IGN on the story:
January 2, 2008 - While most of us were gorging ourselves on holiday meals and napping away our vacations, news of Jade Empire 2 leaked to the net via The Mercury News. Dean Takahashi published an article stating that he spoke with someone who saw code for Jade Empire 2. "It's coming for the Xbox 360, and it's real," claims Mr. Takahashi. Rumors of the title have been floating around for years, but it is interesting to hear that the code exists for Xbox 360.
Whether the Jade Empire franchise will stay a PC/Xbox 360 exclusive or not remains to be seen. According to Microsoft the franchise is owned by BioWare, a company that was recently purchased by EA. It's no secret that EA prefers to publish its games for as many platforms as possible, putting any thoughts of exclusivity in limbo.
Microsoft, as usual, did not comment on the rumor. When we contacted EA, we were forwarded on to BioWare as the PR is still being handled separately. Representatives for BioWare could not be reached at this time, giving us a trio of no confirmation.
Thankfully, IGN's own David Clayman was willing to go on record with this statement, "There is no truth to the rumor that I have already awarded this game a perfect ten in the IGN databases. As far as we know the title may not even exist. However, if the game does come to fruition I will not dismiss the possibility that it will deserve a score of ten or higher."
Keep 'em coming BioWare! First, we get a masterpiece know as Mass Effect. Then, we get news of a KotOR MMO, and now, the code for JE2 exists. For those who haven't played JE, go do so, now!
Also, think there might be a glitch with the leveling system... I just gained 2 levels in one day...