Fable II Pub Games was released a few days ago, and I must admit, it is addicting. I much prefer it to the frustrating turd Braid (no offense to those who rotted their brains completing that piece of crap.) I just wish I'd known beforehand just how easy it is to get so far into debt.
It's simple, clever, and enjoyable. Too bad there's no multiplayer. Nonetheless, it gets me even more excited for Fable II's release. Speaking of which, I don't even know when that is!
Aside from that, Nemesis has been giving me a hell of a time in RE3. STOP STALKING ME ALREADY!!! I started reading The Call of Cthulhu just in time for Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth to ship from GameFly. H.P. Lovecraft is a genius. Reading his stories really makes me regret selling Eternal Darkness however long ago. My favorites so far include The Rats in the Walls (those who played Eternal Darkness know will love this story, as one level was based on it), Pickman's Model, and In The Vault (which actually had me nervous to go to sleep).