hey so i got an xbox360 and was wondering if anyone knows any good games to get and if anyone has played fracture before, and if its worth geting?
dragpon Blog
just my luck
by dragpon on Comments
right when i was about to ask the girl i like out i find out that she has a boyfriend
i need some advice
by dragpon on Comments
stupid computer
by dragpon on Comments
hey all the reason i was gone for a while was my computer crased so ya
any ideas?
by dragpon on Comments
by dragpon on Comments
i thought about this last night
gravity was discovered by isaac newton because a apple fell on his head but wat ive been thinking about is wat if gravity doesnt exsist wat if wat we think is gravity is realy cintrifical force and that gravity doesnt exsist and its all in our heads which got me thinking about something else acording to the laws of cintrifical force (plz acuse the typos i forgot how to spell cintrifical force) the earth spins at a speed of 16280mph so acording to those laws we to are moving at 16280mph so wat we think is omph is wrong and that omph is realy zero G so does gravity exsist?
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