I've been wanting to update this blog thing - and reaching a two digit level is a perfect time to update - i guess. I've been getting 10% a day for just logging in, so as long as I stay logged in I'll be level 30 in no time! :D
One hundred and fifty posts is truly an achievement for me because I don't post much. I usually post at the normal forums and also this Union. Check it out!
Artistic Genius. Yup, I got my banners accepted too. They got accepted on the third round (page 45), although I submitted them before the second round. They must've missed them the first time. The banners are: Still Life, The Punisher, Close Combat: First to Fight and Hearts of Iron II.
In other news, I did get Battlefield 2 for free! Received it via FedEx a week after being told that I won it. I love winning stuff.
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