First of all when you buy an "enhanced" console is all about enhanced games support, nobody buys an Xbox One X or PS4 Pro to play at 1080P (cough cough, Tekken 7 on Pro, cough)Microsoft is getting more extensive and better support than the Pro on the X and that by itself is enough (and as you are getting an enhanced system you probably bought a 4K TV where only the X gives access to 4K UHD bru-ray movies)
Second MS has many exclusives not playable on PS4 nor Switch. If you bought an Xbox instead of an expensive PC it means that the only way for you to play them is on Xbox.
If you still don`t have a current gen system all the more, Xbox offer a ton of exclusives for you. If you bought a Switch or PS4 because that is your price range / budget, again there over 200 games on Xbox that you cannot play PS4 nor Switch. Plus the Xbox one X plays all third party games better that PS4 and Switch.
Bottom line the X is one heck of a console and well worth the purchase.
The no exclusives meme is nonsense. If my choice is Microsoft, it means that for starters that I already decided I like "Microsoft" Exclusives (and quite frankly there are TONs). Since I don`t have enough money for a powerful/worthy gaming PC, I choose Xbox and the plethora of MS exclusives it comes with, all NOT playable on PS4 nor Switch. When it comes to multi-plats it plays all the games BETTER than PS4 and Switch and finally, since I want to play Red Dead Redemption 2, Halo 6 and Kingdom Hearts 3, the PC is not an option anyway.
Also when it comes to enhanced consoles it`s the number of enhanced games and what kind of support they come with that count the most, since I`m buying a 4K TV ($500 Vizio Xled, nothing expensive, but still good) I want to play enhanced games on it and with 170 showing support (all "better support" than pro) the X is definitively the console to buy for me and anybody who`s got a 4K TV.
I wonder what makes believe this guy everybody has had a modern day console all along. I just landed a decent Job and can finally afford to change my old 32" HD ready TV. Store only sell 4K these days and I have my eyes set on a $500 Vizio Xled model. Still playing on a 360 and my weak windows laptop and browsing through the Xbox one game catalogue I am overwhelmed. There is a 10 to 1 ratio (to say the least) when comparing the hours at my disposal with sheer amount of games I aven`t played. Sure if you have been playing every release for the past 5 years good for you, but there are millions like me out there with a PS3 or X360, that still don`t have a current gen system (sales numbers make this clear enough even without taking PS2 155 million unit into account) also all my 360 library works on the X some even 4K enhanced. Can`t wait to get one.
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