ahh complicated... well technically the speaker cabnets would only count as one device each cos even though the cabnets have 2 speakers in them they only have 2 input jacks on the cabnet (one jack for left channel one jack for right) so im guessing each speaker in the cabnet acts as a left channel and a right channel...if that makes sence... and im only going to use one sub at this point... worry about the other one later...
Plus i beleve the Subs are 800 watts now... still not sure but there US Audio subs and they were around $150 each....
So if im understanding you correctly really all i would need to power the 2 cabnets and one sub would be one GOOD 4 Channel amp, 1 channel for one cabnet, 1 channel for the second cabnet and 1 channel for the sub... right?
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