drben35's forum posts
tony_fjellborg wrote:
Yeah but you cant compare a rpg with shooters cuz a shooter is for the most only like 10-15 hours tops of gameplay a rpg is often more then 50+ hours.. If you like shooters you must live with the fact that you will complete it in about 10 hours..
Okay, that is not a fair comparison because multiple play throughs on different difficulties and collecting stuff and co-op extend an fps at least 2 to 3 times as mcuh. Not only that, but the online play of FPS's can extend the game until the sequal comes out, at least in my case with Halo 2 and Gears of War, still haven't put them down
No you cannot, kinda sucks if your a girl, but it is still a really fun game, but dont expect too much from the online.
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