So T's copy of Fall Out 3 starting freezing up alot yesterday, T was getting pissed. At this point the freezing is causing T to want to trade in his copy of Fall Out 3 for something else; cause this stuff is annoying. The only reason T will put up with the freezing longer is cause of the VATS system, T love the VATS system. Who doesn't want to run up to an enemy, stop time, then shoot his face off using a combat shotgun!? It's awesome!
T noticed at the part of the game that he's in, all of his weapons are starting to do massive damage; which is fun; T loves massive damage and pities any foo's who are on the receiving end of his Chinese Assault Rifle.
T must say he's slightly disappointed in one part of the story that drastically changed everything, and then a few minutes later something else huge happened, which T guesses kinda made up for the last event, but still it was stupid.
T hopes the devs from Fall Out get their heads out of their asses and release an update for Fall Out 3 to fix alot of the bugs in the Ps3 version; the bugs are the only thing holding this game back.
T wants to see a cute girl in a bikini........