Was anyone else, NOT surprised by the try too hard to be accepted person that wrote this?I swear just this morning I brought up the wireless article about Poison! Now this drivel? There are no mentions off Fem shep or unisex games that rule the sales charts. Stop the bs.victimisation and get over it. You want more strong female characters? Then get more strong female developers. Guys fantasize and being the super badass that saves the day and if most devs are male, guess what we're going to see? I'm all for strong women, and find them fascinating and beautiful, so please make it happen instead of making pathetic excuse.(posted from a phone so to hell with grammar/spelling)
@Lockedge Well, now there's something you're not considering. Capcom Japan, is NOT making fun of Poison for being transgender. Hell; their version of Poison is Post-Op. Capcom USA's Poison is Pre-Op. So as Petit's ignorance pointed out, earlier winning phrases may have poked fun at what may have seemed to be Poison transgender, but when you really think about it; it was simply Capcom Japan, poking fun at Capcom USA and their inability to handle the character for what she is. Some people just like to take up a torch and fight for something they "believe" exists; when in reality, it doesn't. Check your history books....this nonsense happens all the time, someone starting a riot over nothing. Shall I point out my distaste for Petit again?
I had a really long post calling out Petit's ignorance to games, and overall pathetic standing as a GameSpot employee. However since my post was 1800 characters and I'm only allowed 1500, I'll cut everything except the last paragraph. (Just to point out again Petit is a horrible excuse for a gamespot employee and this has NOTHING to do with her preferences or gender; she just sucks...like seriously) "This is the problem with all your people talking about "equal rights" and being "understood." Everyone gets made fun of. Straight people, gay people, black people, white people, mexicans, and hell if green people existed even them. The problem is you cry about being treated equal, so then when you get crapped on like the rest of us, we just "don't understand" and are afraid. No, we get it; we just don't care and treat you like everyone else, crap."
I own both a 360 and a PS3 (AND a good computer AND a wii) I can easily say between my consoles the PS3 gets FAR more useage, I look forward to more games on it, and I generally enjoy the online play more on the Ps3 (that part is objective). Whenever I get the choice between a game on both, I always wait to see review for both, from different sites and then make my own decision, the PS3 has a far superior draw distance, and definitely stronger hardware, just sometimes people skimp out on the ports for it. (Fallout 3 anyone?).
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