drdh / Member

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I was looking around my PS3 and I found out that if you put a CD into your PS3 you can burn the CD's songs into your PS3! Its awesome!!! Ive already burned like 50 songs on it. Soon I'll have my intire CD collection on there:o! YEAH!!!!!!!! This is so sweet! In other news conker is leaving gamespot witch is a real bummer. Here outragous blogs,humor,and personnality will be missed. Im mean her blogs rocked like you never know what to expect. I'll miss her :(. Well the good thing is at least she wasnt banned! So theres always a possiblity she'll come back :)! In brighter news I think it was hillarious on the last blog how I tricked you all on my trick question. I laughed my head off! Hope your not mad. Also the pictures of my game collection are probably not coming for a long time so to blow off some steam and to keep you guys occupied Im am going to unviel my biggest blog ever. Its called drdh's top 100 songs off all time in witch I tell my top 100 hundred favorite songs from number 100 to my number 1 song of all time. But a top 100 hundred song list is going to be some work as I got to take all my favorite songs and order em up from 100 to 1 plus the ever so little time cause of school,homework,parents,etc. So while Im making my top 100 songs I'll be typing down song lyrics and other interesting blogs to hold you off. So also I might have an easy countdown I can have here on gamespot. Its called drdh's top 50 owned videogames in witch I list my top 50 video games I own from 50 to 1. I hopefull will have it on here tommorow. Well I hope you had a happy and fun Labor Day weekend,too bad we got to go to school tommorow:(. Well at least its only 4 days instead of 5 days plus October is just a month away and you know what that means! HALLOWEEN!!! Yep! Well see ya!