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dreadedlyfe Blog

Come On Guys

My home team, the team that I have custom airbrushed my car, wife's Wii, my PS3, and my telescope with the team logo and all, for some reason can not find it in themselves to win consistently. I am talking about the Carolina Hurricanes. My Cardiac Canes. Tha Tobacco Road show. Hell, we even have Ric Flair, for crying out loud.

I guess the point I am trying to make here is please guys, pull your act together. You did ok against the Pens, and I know you have had some ok games, but you aren't even above .500. I hate it to no end to hear that "we are still trying to find the team identity". I raise the BS flag. That is what training camp and the preseason was for. At least Ray Whitney and Cam Ward is still playing fairly well. . If we start scoring more than 1 or 2 goals a game, then we actually might when some games, and I wouldn't be on here getting ill at my fav team in the whole world.

I still love the team, don't get me wrong. Never call me a fair weather fan, for I am one that will not miss a game, I go to practices and so on. But I am a fan who is mature enough to understand my team is not perfect, they do make mistakes, and that I will still be there as a full time, hard core, rabid avid fan.

Please Win,

Your Humblest Fan 8)


Waiting patiently for RPGs

Well, here I am, sitting and waiting for Dragon Age and Alpha Protocol to come out, and to keep me occupied I have went and picked up some PS2 RPGs. Recently purchased Mana Khemia, Tales of Legendia, Tales of the Abyss, Lord of the Ring:The Third Age, Shadow Hearts, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter,and Star Ocean:Till the end of Time. So far I have cracked open MK, SH, and LOTR, and Shadow Hearts is my favorite out of the trio. It seems a bit quirky, and I dig that :P

I wish that they would come out with more RPGs for the PS3, but I am enjoying the ones that I never got to play back in the day when they came out, now. As prolific as the PS2 was, and the bevy of RPGs that came out on it (not all of them were great though), the chance to load up on some really great games for not that much cash outlay (less than $60) was to good to pass up.

Maybe if the developers would take note that there is a bevy of gamers clamoring for PS3 rpgs they would get off their cans and roll some out, at least more than the paltry few that the have so far. It is sad, and if I had the capital to push a new label out to give the RPG gamers more variety than what is out there now, I would do it in a heartbeat. We want new stories, new loot, new character builds, new sweet looking swords, blasters, armor, chicks in chain mail bikinis, beautiful spells, awesome special effects, cut scenes to make us drool! The games that are out now are good, don't get me wrong, but the genre is STAGNATING from lack of competition!

Well, enough of a rant. It is just a little sad though, don't you think? Thanks for listening to my ramblings :)


I have taken the first step to recovery, today, and that step is admitting that I have a problem. A bad problem. I'm a video game pack rat.

It seems that every time I drive past a GameStop, I can't resist stopping just to see what is on the shelves today. And when I stop in, I almost always walk out with three or more games. I just can't help myself. I have three 125 disk CD binders full. Bad thing is that doesn't even take into account the NES or Atari games that I have.

The manager at the local GameStop tries to talk me into trading in some of them, but there's people in Hell that want ice water, too. I seriously spend at least $150 a week, and usally its more in the $600 range. Before I bought a PS3, that bought alot of PS2 games. A lot. And lots of game guides as well.

I also buy DS games for my wife, so she doesn't fuss about it ;). She is stuck on Animal Crossing right now. Absorbed would describe it better, really. So into it as a matter of fact, that she has four games right now, as I sit here and type, that hasn't had the wrapper taken off. The good thing about it is it really brings joy to her face when she is playing her DS. I'm glad she has something that can help her unwind after work. A lot of the time, she plays with her sister since her sis has a DS, too.They are both great women, and I'm really lucky to have found my wife. Having a cool set of inlaws is is just a bonus :P .

Well, I guess I have ran my mouth enough for today!
