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dreallink Blog

Warhawk Beta

Alright, so I'm gonna be in another beta test! Warhawk for the PS3...I'm still hoping to get into Home though..:| ...which is possible since Warhawk is by SCEA and HOME is by SCEE ..making it possible to be in both betas at once. 8)

Why am I not excited about Warhawk??...Am I the only person that doesn't see all the hype?? Oh well, I'll just do my job of testing..

I'm going to sleep now..it's 3:32am PST...

PS3 Home Beta Hopeful

Haha, saying that made me feel like an American Idol hopeful...anyway..so, I've been constantly on the PSU message boards as well as on my PS3 at the store seeing if I get the download for the beta..

Some say that no more invites will be sent...but it's all just so strange that it's supposedly finally live in U.S. and Canada but there have been no confirmations from big site names...like gamespot here, or ign, or 1up...well, 1up has a speculation only going by what they read on the PSU message boards, so they don't know for sure, and Sony still hasn't even confirmed.

Giving me reason to believe a few things:
1. Those that dl'ed the beta recently in U.S. and Canada were lucky because it was a mistake.
Mistake why?
2. Because it was found not just in one location, like featured or games, but also under the blu-ray trailers..:| ..yeah..
3. Even though, as with many betas, not all people are on at once, but a majority of them USUALLY are, but many of the testers have been saying that there have only been 100s on at the most...
3. More downloads will be sent because of the fact that people are still saying today that they have gotten it when it wasn't there yesterday..

Yes, I may sound/be very hopeful, but eh, what else can I do..I can hope..the only odds against me are the fact that I didn't sign up until about an hour after I had received the invite...who knows how many people signed up by then if the downloads are going out First-Come-First-Serve..

I'm also pretty down that I didn't get into this beta if they're done letting people in until summer, because it's going to be the only beta that I haven't gotten into that I've been invited to, that I've accepted...

I have nothing else to say.. I just hope most people are "playing" the beta to test, and not playing it to just play..

Blogging, School & Gaming

  • I realized that I like blogging here..
  • It's probably because of the colors...darkness with an interesting orange mix..
  • I dropped my java programming class..
  • I'm happy about that lol
  • C++ > Java
  • I should have more free time considering I have a nice 4.5 hour gap between classes
  • Class gaps = gaming time (hopefully)
  • I don't know why I felt like using bullets..
  • Using bullets keeps things short and sweet. 8)

No Badges!?

Um...what the heck happened to my other two badges?? I had ps2 officionado, and serious game collector...so the site goes down and gets an update, and my badges disappear...oooook.....

Yesss! Serious collector!

Sweet, I was hoping that was one of the badges. Sad thing is that I don't even think I've added all of my games yet...:shock:

 Even better to get a badge, considering I was only going for a new level..which I didn't get yet..lol. Maybe tomorrow..

1st Blog

Is it just me or are blogs everywhere you go?? ...Practically any and every site that you join nowadays has a place where you can blog...I don't know what to say about that, but all I do know is that I definitely don't blog at all of them....and if i did, I would msost likely just copy and paste whatever I bloged about first and every other blog.

Anyway, this is my first entry here at gamespot. I mainly update my blog at the Gamer Advisory Panel (G.A.P) at us.playstation.com ....so, if anyone is a gap member at playstation, just check out some of the stuff that I write, my gap name is csubathlete. And anyone that isn't a GAP member, sorry, but maybe you'll be invited one day. Until then, later days!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!