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Back to the Wastelands

I'm officially quiting Mass Effect 2 until significant dlc is released. If I play through that game one more time right now I will be so sick of it. Bioshock 2 was good but without new game+ it's off to the shelf of classics to be played again in a year or so. In the mean time (until Red Dead Redemption or good dlc for ME2) I finished and started a 3rd playthrough of Dead Space (seriously good game!) and I'm back wandering the wastelands in Fallout 3 for the first time in ages! I've officially completed every quest and have NOTHING to do but wander around and shoot things. I'm giving power armor to all npc's that can be killed and searching for the bodies of Doc Hoff and Lucky Harith who have both apparently perished somewhere out there. I still need Lucky's Shishkebab schematic and I'd like to get both of their supply keys. I'm not sure if the game keeps their bodies on the map after they've died or not and nobody seems to be able to give me an answer so in the mean time I'm traveling their trade routes and looking for traces... Dang, Fallout 3 is such a good game but I'm just not up to starting a new playthrough at this point.