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3 parts entry...

1- I have a kind of sad news... We lost a friend. :( DrakenARTZ have decided to stop going on this site... She was cool...:cry: ( but did any of you were having her in your friend list?)

2- About 3 days ago, my mom was reading her horoscope and she told me mine. I am an Aries and she ask me my ascendant( or influence don't know wich one) but I din't know it. So she made my sky map and she founbd that I am a pure Aries. Aries ascendant(or influence) Aries. What's your sign?

3-At my job 2 girls gave me a new nickname: Jean-Niniche... argh! I really don't like it. Because I ahve a 2 parts name I have many nicknames here's a list:

  • Jean ( the most used)
  • Jean-Nic
  • Jean-Nicho
  • Nico
  • J-N
  • Nicholas
  • Johnny
  • ...

So what do you think? Oh and please if you make comments on any of those point could you please put number before each, just to know on what you are making a comment. thanks. :D