Recently I have tried to find out the intro and ending vidoe of cartoons thta I used to watch as a child so here is some links if you want to find them:
sorry, this link is in french but if yuou know the title you will find it.
For the Raccoons lovers
for the transformers lovers ( old ones)
many old tv show and cartoons.
I haven't found Rupert ( the white bear) video yet. :cry:
But here is my list of video I have, do you know or like any of them?
- Alice in wonderland
- Astro (old one)
- Batman tv show, the 1966 one with the pif, paf and baoum
- batman, the recent one
- Biker mice
- Bucky O'hare
- Les calinours
- Calimero
- Alvin and the chipmunks
- David de Kabouter
- The fresh prince of Bel-air
- Gi Joe
- Gobots
- inspector gadget
- the raccoons
- moomins
- les pe***s malins
- Rahan
- ghost busters
- Remi
- Rescue Rangers ( tic et tac en français)
- Sherlock holmes (my favourite)
- sous le signe des mosuquetaires ( my second best)
- Tao Tao
- Teddy Ruxpin
- Ninja Turtles
- Transformers
- The travel around teh world in 80 days
sorry if some title are iun french I haven't found them in english. So what do you think?
Edit: Oh man, They can't accept pe..t...i...t.s.. even if it means small in french..:evil: oh and my must are sous le signe des mousquetaires et sherlock holmes, you can find them on meganimation...