well I hope I get your attention and I didn't lied in the title I want your opinion. this entrry is a kind of reflecti0on and I want to know what you think.
Its been a while in school and at the job that I fell this. I think I am still a kid. I have noy lied to you , I am really 18 and everythinhg in my profile, its just that I don't think that at 18 I am an adlut. By the law I am but not for the other things. I mean I see other students( most of them are between 20 and 25) and people at the job( between 20 and 40) asking between them if everythinhg is going well how the fee of the apartment, the car and other things like that. I am not in the subject, I am no reject but its just that it doesn't touch me so I am kinda out. I feel there is a "space" between them and me, between the adult and kid. I am still living at my parents home and I don't have my car so its makes my life different. They are good people and its just that I feel out of the discussion or juts like a rookie for that. One day I will have those thinhgs and understand but i will never make it to be in the group... thats what I think. Do you get what I say? Do am I still a kid by this or am I an adult? Do I say good thinhgs or correct thinhgs for my age? some say I am a mature person, what about you?
I think this is like being a man. You know its not about the age, whats written on a paper or the law, its about what you really are. Being a man is not somethinhg you describe by the tool but by how you act and do thinhgs. For this point some women are beeter than soem men. Being a man is being able to make the right choice when its important, being able to make live your family, being able to solve your problem without puting anybody else in the s**t, being abvle to help without needing something in return, being able to understand whats good for you and the other around you.... thats being a man.Again its not by the book or the law you see it but by the act of the oerson. so thats it for my reflection.
Do I look like a kid for you?