There are no bad games just bad gamers.PerjuryThan play mobile suit gundam crossfire, and let me know if you still think that.
drew4793's forum posts
[QUOTE="drew4793"][QUOTE="RotaryRX7"]Anyone who has Wipeout HD would know that "Beat Zico" is pretty much one of the most difficult trophies out there.RotaryRX7never played it, but I'll take your word for it. : ) Basically you have to beat this guy's lap time using a specific vehicle and speed rating. I've gotten within less than .5 sec of his time, but that's about it... One of my friends got .02 sec away from the time and was so pissed lol. It's a gold trophy and requires a lot of trial and error and dedication. wow, I don't think I could take the frustration. Good thing PS3 controlers are damage resistant!
Anyone who has Wipeout HD would know that "Beat Zico" is pretty much one of the most difficult trophies out there.RotaryRX7never played it, but I'll take your word for it. : )
any damn achievement that requieres you to go online. macho_c_anot true. a few of the online trophys for H.A.W.X are easy enough.
[QUOTE="drew4793"]On any game, what's the hardest trophy to earn. NOT platinum, I mean whats the hardest trophy you've earned out of bronze, silver, or gold on any game?RedruM_II haven't gotten it but this gold one in Warhawk: General Achieve a rank of General. Are there even more than 5 generals on that game? I really don't know. I always get owned on that game so I gave up a while ago. Best of luck to you though.
Probably Little big planet then I bought the MGS stuff and it was a tiny bit better but still terrible
Wow. I was starting to think I was the only one here that doesn't like Little Big Planet.The only 2 i believe..
The only 3 actually. I didn't like little big planet eitherHow do I end my free account? I only find links to end paid subscriptions.drew4793Yes, I realize, I'm not exactly in the correct forum, but I can't find it on the others.
Metal Gear Solid 4 was horrible. The graphics were glitchy. The characters were dumb and the cut scenes were longer than The Lord of the Rings box set combined.
If you don't like glitchy graphics and dumb characters than why the hell do you like Haze so much. Oh, burn! Whats wrong with Haze? It's not that bad of a game.
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