imagine that somebody said that capcom should stop the RE series at re3 and R* at gta2 and konami at mg2.Jist imagine ok;).p.s. sorry 4 the bad english :lol: :oops: :| :cry: drffggsffsd
drffggsffsd's forum posts
in order
the two new team ico games
INFAMOUS " i love the idea "
heavy rain
maybe a new J&D game
new twisted metal
GOW 3 of course
and kz2
that's what i really really want...but what i dont is
and couple of Jrpg and yes ff is one them
I think the PS3's line up might be a bit better in '08 but not much. Metal Gear vs Splinter Cell (splinter cell has a better track record, for the record.), FF13 (if its comes out) Vs. Fable 2 (if it comes out). GT5 vs. well 360 has PGR4 & Forza already out, but you gotta give it to GT in this context regardless because of release date. White Knight VS Lost Odessey (two RPGs that we really need to see in action to judge.) Little Big Planet, Haze, etc VS. Ninja Gaiden II, Too Human, etc
Then dont forget all the Multiplats: Burnout, Fallout, Grand Theft Auto, Devil May Cry, Vegas 2, Endwar, Condemned 2, Soul Calibur, Silent Hill, Prototype etc
Both the 360 and the PS3 will have AWESOME line ups in '08. Who we really should be bashing is the Wii's line-up. Wii only owners miss out on a TON of great multiplats.
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