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DrFish62 Blog

Interview Craziness

I try to not make a habit of posting in my blog about the day-to-day goings on of my life. I'd rather use this space as an editorial column or for GameSpot-related stories. But my life has been pretty crazy for a couple of weeks now, and it's finally winding down. I've been out of town on a few medical school interviews. Some went well, others didn't go as well as I'd hoped. I still have a couple of months, but in the meantime I'll be taking a few graduate level biology courses at Case Western. This ultimately means I'll have less time for work and less money for games, but hopefully more wasted hours on GameSpot.

While I was out on my interviews, I found a couple of great stores for rare games. I picked up a Magnavox Odyssey, Turbo Graphix-16, and a few TG16 games all in their original boxes. I also found Mario Clash and Mario's Tennis for the Virtual Boy, which I picked up even though I don't own the system (yet). All of that, plus my new copy of Guitar Hero, ran up a total of $250 on my credit card. Not a terrible price I suppose.

Anyway, I haven't had much time to write reviews or editorials lately. I'm still working on my 2005 Games of the Year, but I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to finish. Draqq has done a great job keeping Community Contributions running while I've been gone, and all of the officers' work is much appreciated. I should have more time to devote to the union and my own writing very soon. In the meantime, Animal Crossing and Aria of Sorrow pretty much take care of any free time I have. So I'll see everyone around the site soon. Game on.

Apparently, I have bad taste

As most of us are aware, GameSpot has been running scripts at night to re-instate a lot of the older profile emblems. Mine have jumped around, but I think they may finally be back to normal. As a result of the update, I've received two new badges - Convivial and Bad Taste. I can understand Convivial. I've got a few good friends here on GameSpot that I talk to on a regular basis. But Bad Taste?

I admit I've got some stinkers in my collection. I'm ashamed to say that I own copies of Mortal Kombat Mythologies on both the PS1 and N64. And I'm sure MK Special Forces doesn't help my cause either. Tetris Worlds, MK Advance, and the majority of the Classic NES series don't do much for my Game Boy library either.

But come on, guys. See those Serious Collector and Hella-Old School emblems? That means I've also got gems like Ocarina of Time, Soul Calibur, and Symphony of the Night. And I've probably been playing video games since before a lot of GameSpot's forumites were born.

So don't judge me too harshly. I may have played some awesomely bad games in my time, but at least I know they're horrible. Now if I could only get my hands on a copy of Big Rigs....

We are all explorers...

"We are all explorers, driven to know what’s over the horizon, what’s beyond our own shores. And yet, the more I’ve experienced, the more I’ve learned that no matter how far we travel, or how fast we get there, the most profound discoveries are not necessarily beyond that next star. They’re within us, woven into the threads that bind us -- all of us -- to each other."

The above quote is taken from one of the final episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise entitled Terra Prime. In the midst of negotiations to form an interplanetary alliance, Earth must face its most haunting demons. Hatred, prejudice, and fear threaten to dissolve peaceful cooperation as members of Terra Prime, a xenophobic terrorist organization, plan a devastating attack on Starfleet Headquarters. Jonathan Archer, captain of the NX-01 Enterprise, delivers a heartfelt speech in which he makes the above remarks in an attempt to convince skeptic dignitaries that their efforts have not been wasted.

So why am I, an admitted Trekkie, trying to plug this show to you, the innocent blog reader? I'm not. I'm plugging the quote, and I'm plugging the ideals behind the quote.

In times of political and social turmoil, Star Trek has consistently provided positive commentary with an optimistic view of humanity. When most science fiction is quick to predict mankind's downfall in the near future, Star Trek sees beyond our potential to self destruct. It encourages diversity, acceptance, and selflessness when many of us can see only prejudice, hatred, and greed.

Whoever you are, whatever your beliefs; whether you find comfort in science or nature, knowledge or ignorance; we are all explorers. And we search for answers through any means possible - religion and science, education and introspection, love and hate. But the answers we seek aren't always over the horizon or beyond that next star. They're within us, woven into the threads that bind us all to each other.

Next Gen Skepticism

I'm a 22 year-old gaming veteran. I got my first NES almost 18 years ago, and I've been a game fan ever since. I don't consider myself an expert by any means. But for an industry as young as video gaming, I think I've experienced my fair share. When the PlayStation and Xbox consoles were nothing more than a gleam in their developers' eyes, Nintendo and Sega were engaged in a bitter fight to earn the industry's top spot. Times have certainly changed since then, as Mario and Sonic have set aside their differences and agreed that one console is, indeed, big enough for the two of them. The industry has grown and evolved astronomically since the 80s, and gamers' tastes have become more refined. Standards are stricter, development costs are higher, and media attention is growing. But is the industry really better off than it was in its Golden Age?  

Let's take a look at Nintendo. Back when the Nintendo name was synomymous with video games, they had the power to dictate to developers exactly what kind of content was (and, more often, was not) acceptable for inclusion in their games. Censorship even went so far as preventing the Red Cross symbol from appearing in a game for fear of religious connotation. And where is Nintendo now? Relegated to a distant third place behind two companies that knew nothing of gaming until the mid-90s. Nintendo can't even garner enough 3rd party support to be taken seriously by casual gamers. Obviously, a number of factors contributed to the Big-N's giant leap down the video game hierarchy, with the previous example probably being the least important. Unlike Sony and Microsoft, however, Nintendo is in a unique and unpredictable position for the upcoming console generation. Whether you think Nintendo's new TV controller is the peak of innovation or merely a sign that Mr. Miyamoto has finally fallen off his rocker, you can't help but be intrigued by the company's optimism. Maybe they will indeed usher in a new generation of casual and non-gamers. Or maybe future generations of gamers will shake their head and smirk at a once-great company that put all of their hopes into a gimmick that didn't pan out.

Microsoft has made some interesting moves to get ahead right from the start of this next generation. They've made it to market with virtually no competition until at least the Spring of 2006, and they've enhanced the Xbox Live experience to make it easy for any gamer to jump online and duke it out DOA style. But wait a minute. Wasn't Dead or Alive supposed to be a launch title? And what's with all the scattered reports of critical system malfunctions? Is it possible that Microsoft rushed into the next generation a bit too fast? The original Xbox is only 4 years old. Developers and gamers alike could have squeezed at least another year out of the system, but Microsoft has cut nearly all support for their first console. With such incredible unit shortages here in the States, why does Microsoft have so many unsold units sitting in Japanese stores? Sure, the first ever "worldwide" launch was a success. But at the cost of how many ticked off pre-order customers?

Sony seems to be the only company in a position to take the next console generation by storm. For roughly a decade, Sony has been sitting comfortably in their top spot with the adoration of both casual and hardcore gamers alike. If this year's E3 demonstrations are any indication, the PlayStation 3 seems poised to continue Sony's industry dominance. The only catch? All the unknowns and information that the company has yet to reveal. While many look at Microsoft's dual SKU strategy and cry foul, analysts have pegged the PS3 to cost anywhere between $400 and $1000. While prices on the higher end of that range are less than likely, it wouldn't be the first time a console has debuted at astronomical cost. How many people actually paid $800 for a 3DO? Obviously, each PlayStation 3 console is costing Sony a bundle to make, and they've already begun to quietly remove features from the retail version. Sony states that it never specifically claimed their system would have full wireless router functionality, but some fans disagree. And if they're going to pull any features in an effort to save money, why not get rid of the dual-screen HD support? Not enough of today's gamers have one high definition television yet, let alone two. And, although the majority of us have never held the new PS3 controller in our own hands, I don't think I'm alone in saying that I don't want a controller I've thrown during in-game frustrations to turn around mid-air and hit me in the face.  

But who knows? Obviously, the industry itself is doing well. Despite the intense competition, and in part because of it, video games are thriving and becoming a mainstream source of entertainment. As such, the above skepticism should itself be met with a degree of disbelief. There are those of us who enjoy playing devils' advocates every so often. Personally, I welcome the next generation and look forward to, as my grandfather so lovingly describes it, "countless hours wasted in front of the idiot box." And as long as my bank account survives the system launches, I'll be happy.

Caribbean Dreams

Well, I've been home from the Caribbean for a few days now, and as my tan quickly fades in the bitter cold of a Cleveland winter, I find myself with plenty of time indoors to catch up on gaming. While on my cruise, I finally finished Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. I loved it so much that I've now gone back to finish/restart Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. It's already better than its DS successor in the self-referential humor department, and I would have expected nothing less from a series with as much history as Mario. I also used what little spare time I had on my trip between swimming, snorkeling, and eating more food than I ever thought possible (I know, vacation is tough) to get my life started in Animal Crossing. I'm happy to say that life in Kakariko Village is running very smoothly, despite the glaring lack of classic NES diversions. I'll definitely miss all those hours playing Super Tortimer.

Here's a nifty sunset picture I took from our cabin's balcony. 

For Chanukah this year, I got Mario Tennis: Power Tour (GBA), Mario Party 7 (GCN), PoPoLoCrois (PSP), Bust-A-Move (DS), and a 1GB memory stick for the PSP. There aren't any AAA titles in that list, but they're all games I've been waiting for. I'm excited for Mario Tennis because I've been trying to rationalize my GBA Micro purchase. Mario Party 7 is great for a casual night with my girlfriend and her family. PoPoLoCrois seems like a nice, simple RPG for PSP gaming on the go, and Bust-A-Move is just plain fun. The slingshot mechanic seems perfectly suited for the series. And I'm excited for the 1GB memory stick because I have plenty of videos of my new nephew to show off!

In other news, both ReviewSpotting and Community Contributions seem to be growing nicely. We've gotten the last few issues floated in General Games Discussion, and the supply of high-quality entries has never been bigger. Expect a larger-than-normal issue shortly after the New Year.

Lastly, I should be bumped up to Level 17 any day now, which is pretty exciting. Normally, I wouldn't mention anything like this in a blog entry, but (with the possible exception of Blaster Master) Minus World is by far the best Rank name on GameSpot. It's wondiferous.

Vacation time!

I'm leaving on vacation for a week in the morning. I'll be on a cruise in the Caribbean until Christmas Eve, and I won't have an internet connection. I'm going with my girlfriend and her family for her 21st birthday. So I'll see everyone when I get back. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

I heart Psychonauts

Two days ago, I was planning to update my blog with an article about I've given up console gaming for the time being and focusing solely on the portable market. Games like Mario Kart DS, Burnout Legends, Metroid Prime Pinball, and Donkey Kong Country 3 are all I've needed the past few weeks to keep me busy and entertained. I'd tried Destroy All Humans! and Ico, and I even went back to try and complete Metroid Prime and Super Mario Sunshine. But for one reason or another, I couldn't keep myself interested in any of those console games. Don't get me wrong. They're all great titles. But I'm always on the move these days, and I didn't have the time to delve into such complex or involved games.

And then I found Psychonauts. I'd heard about it before, and I knew that it received praise from critics. I was skeptical though, because it wasn't a commercial success and retailers were still asking $50 for it. Then, on a whim (and a $20-off sale at EB Games), I decided to give it a go. After only a day of playing, I'm hooked. Both the character and level designs are imaginative, beautiful, andentertaining. The dialogue is always amusing, and the voice acting is done incredibly well. The game never takes itself too seriously, and as such the player is in for a surreal ride through the minds of its developers. There are the obligatory scavenger hunts, but they never feel forced or boring. And while Psychonauts doesn't reinvent the genre, it does offer a refreshing take on the traditional platforming design.

Psychonauts has rekindled my love for console gaming in a way no other recent title could. It isn't a perfect game, but it's one that I can finally get lost in for hours on end the way I used to with The Legend of Zelda or old-school Mario platformers.

ReviewSpotting FAQ

Q: What is ReviewSpotting?

A: ReviewSpotting is a weekly magazine presented by the Community Contributions Union. It features the most interesting, well-written, and enjoyable user reviews on Gamespot. Each issue will name our Featured ReviewSpotter for the week in addition to a number of other reviews listed as Honorable Mentions.

Q: What is ReviewSpotting's relationship to ForumSpotting?

A: ForumSpotting is an entirely independent magazine published weekly by Ioden. Though its purpose is similar to ReviewSpotting in that it showcases the best of what the GameSpot Communiy has to offer, its focus relies to a greater extent upon blog entries and editorials rather than reviews. In each issue of ForumSpotting, Ioden will provide a link to ReviewSpotting, along with information on our Featured ReviewSpotter.

Q: Where can I find ForumSpotting & ReviewSpotting?

A: ForumSpotting is published every Sunday in General Games Discussion. You can usually find it in a floated thread on that forum. ReviewSpotting is posted every Saturday night in a floated thread on the Community Contributions union board, as well as on the union's main page.

Q: Who is eligible to submit their reviews to ReviewSpotting?

A: Any member of the GameSpot community may submit their user reviews for consideration. Officers of the Community Contributions union are not eligible for the Featured ReviewSpotter position, although you may occasionally see our reviews listed under a separate staff section of the magazine.

Q: What are the requirements for submitting a review?

A: The only requirement set in stone is that your article must be published as a user review on GameSpot. We do ask, however, that your reviews be as grammaticaly correct as possible with few spelling mistakes. Minor errors will not bar your review from ReviewSpotting, but entries that are clear, well-written, and informative are more likely to be selected.

Q: Do my reviews have to cover the current generation of consoles?

A: Absolutely not. Although we prefer reviews that are more recent, you may enter any review you wish for any platform, past or present. Depending on the volume of submissions we receive, it's possible that in the future we will feature a Retro Review section in ReviewSpotting to highlight popular titles from older systems.

Q: How do I submit my review to ReviewSpotting?

A: To submit a review, simply post a link to your article (game title and system included) in the floated thread on the Community Contributions union board. It will be added to a list of current entries located in that thread. You may submit up to three reviews each week, but note that only your best review will be considered for any particular week. The rest will be held over and automatically submitted for the following week's issue.

Q: Can I submit a review more than once?

A: If you submit a review that is not initially accepted, and you do not see your review in the list of next week's entries, you are free to edit your review (make it longer, fix the grammar, spelling, etc.) and resubmit.

Q: When is the deadline for submissions?

A: The deadline for each week will be Saturday at 12:00PM, EST. As ReviewSpotting is published on Saturday nights, the staff needs time to evaluate your reviews. Any entries received after the noon deadline will be automatically considered for the following week's issue.

Q: Who decides which reviews are selected?

A: The Community Contributions staff. Currently, myself and Draqq_Zyxorian are taking turns publishing each week. This may change depending on the volume and quality of entries, changes in the officer roster, or each officer's personal schedule on any given week.

Q: Do I have to join Community Contributions to read ReviewSpotting, submit reviews, or receive feedback?

A: Absolutely not. Although you are more than welcome to join us, you are in no way required to join our union to participate in ReviewSpotting.

ReviewSpotting - Premiere Issue

Last night, Draqq_Zyxorian posted the Community Contributions Union's first issue of ReviewSpotting to showcase some of GameSpot's best user reviews. Each week, our Featured ReviewSpotter will be highlighted in Ioden's ForumSpotting in General Games Discussion. Check out this thread in the Community Contributions Union Board to see the premiere issue and leave feedback. We're always looking for advice and ways to improve. I'll be tackling Issue #2 next week. Enjoy!

Interviews + Video Games = Yum

This week, I began what will hopefully be a long string of medical school admissions interviews. My first two interviews were at Wright State University near Dayton, OH. Everything went well enough, but there's an interesting gaming-related story that came from the experience:

My first interviewer was very matter-of-fact, by the book. He wasn't unpleasant, but hardly what you'd call warm. Everything I said was written down meticulously; my grades, employment, campus involvement, family life, etc. Then he began asking about my hobbies. I told him that, aside from reading, I spend a majority of my free time playing video games. It helps me relax, unwind, stretch my imaginitive thinking... blah, blah, blah. But no writing down. Only when I mentioned volunteering on the Gamer Within writing staff did he become interested and take notes on his little yellow pad, as if writing (or some form of journalism, rather) legitimized my interest as more than a childish whim.

My second interviewer, who (by chance) happened to be the dean of admissions, was infinitely warmer. He smiled, took no notes, and was genuinely interested in the conversation. The interview took the same route as the first, covering the same topics. When we came to the hobbies portion, I told him about video games and Gamer Within in much the same way that I did the first. As soon as I finished talking, I could tell he was interested. His first question (with some parphrasing) was, "Knowing that you're speaking to someone who has never picked up a video game controller in his life, please describe your favorite video game, character, or genre." I wasn't prepared for that question, and I don't think he was prepared for my response. Suffice it to say we had quite an in-depth discussion on The Legend of Zelda, from it's entertainment and story-telling appeal to it's value as an art form. I actually had a great time.

So I guess you never know what to expect from these things. I'm always interested in hearing other people's perspectives on gaming, whether they're familiar with the medium or not. Anyone else have a similar story or experience?