Some of you already know that I'm currently finishing up work on a Master's Degree in Biology (if not, check out the little About Me blurb over yonder), and I'm interested in applying for medical school at some point. I recently resigned from my position at Community Contributions because of time constraints, but I never really explained what those constraints were. I've accepted a position at my university as a research assistant in a functional neuroimaging (fMRI) lab. Focusing on the Autism Spectrum Disorders, my principal investigator's primary interest is in understaning why people who have the same genetic developmental disorder have many of the same behavioral characteristics, why some characteristics vary within a population, and what neurobiological mechanisms account for these behaviors. At least that's what it said in the job description.
The experience has been great so far. I make my own hours, and I have my own office (that will soon be decorated with a plethora of video game paraphernalia - most of the patients we work with are between the ages of 13 and 19). I get to interact with patients and their families, which is why I wanted to go into medicine in the first place. And hopefully I'll be able to publish a paper or two for a medical journal.
The only downside is that I'm either at work, in class, or teaching from about 8:30AM to 6:00PM every weekday. So I may not be around as often, but I have internet access in my office and I'll definitely stop by during the day. I'm also working on my Ph. D. in procrastination.
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