I try to not make a habit of posting in my blog about the day-to-day goings on of my life. I'd rather use this space as an editorial column or for GameSpot-related stories. But my life has been pretty crazy for a couple of weeks now, and it's finally winding down. I've been out of town on a few medical school interviews. Some went well, others didn't go as well as I'd hoped. I still have a couple of months, but in the meantime I'll be taking a few graduate level biology courses at Case Western. This ultimately means I'll have less time for work and less money for games, but hopefully more wasted hours on GameSpot.
While I was out on my interviews, I found a couple of great stores for rare games. I picked up a Magnavox Odyssey, Turbo Graphix-16, and a few TG16 games all in their original boxes. I also found Mario Clash and Mario's Tennis for the Virtual Boy, which I picked up even though I don't own the system (yet). All of that, plus my new copy of Guitar Hero, ran up a total of $250 on my credit card. Not a terrible price I suppose.
Anyway, I haven't had much time to write reviews or editorials lately. I'm still working on my 2005 Games of the Year, but I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to finish. Draqq has done a great job keeping Community Contributions running while I've been gone, and all of the officers' work is much appreciated. I should have more time to devote to the union and my own writing very soon. In the meantime, Animal Crossing and Aria of Sorrow pretty much take care of any free time I have. So I'll see everyone around the site soon. Game on.